Emergent Mind

Large Language Models Meet NLP: A Survey

Published May 21, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


While LLMs like ChatGPT have shown impressive capabilities in NLP tasks, a systematic investigation of their potential in this field remains largely unexplored. This study aims to address this gap by exploring the following questions: (1) How are LLMs currently applied to NLP tasks in the literature? (2) Have traditional NLP tasks already been solved with LLMs? (3) What is the future of the LLMs for NLP? To answer these questions, we take the first step to provide a comprehensive overview of LLMs in NLP. Specifically, we first introduce a unified taxonomy including (1) parameter-frozen application and (2) parameter-tuning application to offer a unified perspective for understanding the current progress of LLMs in NLP. Furthermore, we summarize the new frontiers and the associated challenges, aiming to inspire further groundbreaking advancements. We hope this work offers valuable insights into the {potential and limitations} of LLMs in NLP, while also serving as a practical guide for building effective LLMs in NLP.

Applying LLMs to NLP tasks: mathematical reasoning, machine translation, information extraction, sentiment analysis.


  • The paper surveys the capabilities and potential of LLMs like GPT-3 and PaLM in various NLP tasks, such as text summarization, machine translation, and sentiment analysis.

  • It introduces a taxonomy of LLM applications, dividing them into parameter-frozen and parameter-tuning paradigms, with subcategories like zero-shot learning, few-shot learning, full-parameter tuning, and parameter-efficient tuning.

  • Future research directions are also discussed, including multilingual and multi-modal LLMs, tool-usage, advanced logical reasoning, and challenges like hallucination and safety.

Investigating LLMs in Natural Language Processing


LLMs like GPT-3, ChatGPT, and PaLM have been making waves in the AI community, especially in the domain of NLP. They showcase impressive capabilities across various NLP tasks such as text summarization, machine translation, and sentiment analysis. However, a comprehensive understanding of their potential in these tasks is still evolving. A recent study delves deep into addressing several crucial questions regarding the application and future of LLMs in NLP.

Taxonomy of LLM Applications

The study introduces a comprehensive taxonomy that categorizes LLM applications into two main paradigms:

Parameter-Frozen Applications

  • Zero-shot Learning: Here, LLMs like GPT-3 solve tasks without any additional training, based solely on the prompt. This impressive feat allows for tasks like text translation and sentiment analysis straight out of the box.
  • Few-shot Learning: This involves providing a few examples in the prompt to guide the LLM towards better performance. By using relevant demonstrations, LLMs can improve their task-specific abilities significantly.

Parameter-Tuning Applications

  • Full-Parameter Tuning: This involves fine-tuning all the parameters of an LLM on a specific task. While highly effective, it's computationally expensive.
  • Parameter-Efficient Tuning: Techniques like Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and prefix-tuning come into play. They involve fine-tuning only a subset of the parameters, making the process more resource-efficient.

Natural Language Understanding

Sentiment Analysis

  • Zero-shot Learning: Simple instructions can leverage ChatGPT's strong capabilities in sentiment analysis without additional training. This includes tasks like sentiment classification in multiple languages.
  • Few-shot Learning: Incorporating a few demonstrations significantly boosts performance, especially in emotion recognition tasks.
  • Full-Parameter Tuning: Customizing LLMs for sentiment analysis through full-parameter tuning has shown to be highly effective.
  • Parameter-Efficient Tuning: Techniques like LoRA enhance the efficiency and performance of models on emotionally nuanced tasks.

Information Extraction (IE)

  • Zero-shot Learning: Methods break down IE tasks like Named Entity Recognition (NER) into smaller subtasks, improving overall accuracy without additional training.
  • Few-shot Learning: By using demonstrations retrieved from pertinent examples, LLMs can better understand and perform structured output tasks.
  • Full-Parameter Tuning: Fine-tuning LLMs on IE-specific datasets can significantly enhance their extraction capabilities.
  • Parameter-Efficient Tuning: Adopting sparsity-aware tuning methods allows LLMs to perform better on IE tasks with fewer computational resources.

Natural Language Generation


  • Zero-shot Learning: LLMs can produce concise summaries of text documents with remarkable accuracy, though they sometimes have a bias towards initial segments of documents.
  • Few-shot Learning: By providing a few example summaries, the quality and accuracy of generated summaries improve.
  • Full-Parameter Tuning: Full-parameter model training on dialogue-specific datasets results in more precise and relevant summaries.
  • Parameter-Efficient Tuning: Techniques like PromptSum combine prompt tuning for more controllable and concise summarization, optimizing computational efficiency.

Code Generation

  • Zero-shot Learning: Models like CodeT5+ demonstrate strong zero-shot abilities in generating code snippets from natural language descriptions.
  • Few-shot Learning: By learning from minimal examples, code generation performance significantly improves.
  • Full-Parameter Tuning: Fine-tuning LLMs on code-specific pre-training tasks results in substantial improvements across various coding tasks.
  • Parameter-Efficient Tuning: Leveraging LoRA and adapters, efficiency in generating high-quality code is achieved with minimal computational overhead.

Future Directions

Multilingual LLMs

Achieving high performance in multiple languages and ensuring effective cross-lingual alignment are two primary challenges for multilingual LLM development.

Multi-modal LLMs

Integrating more modalities into LLMs is essential for achieving more complex multi-modal reasoning and effective interaction mechanisms.

Tool-usage in LLMs

Selecting appropriate tools and achieving efficient tool planning remains crucial, enabling LLMs to solve more practical NLP tasks effectively.

X-of-thought in LLMs

Developing methods for universal step decomposition and integrating diverse thought processes are key to unlocking advanced logical reasoning capabilities in LLMs.

Hallucination and Safety in LLMs

Preventing hallucinations and ensuring safety, especially in the context of multilingual and creative tasks, are significant challenges to be addressed.


This comprehensive study provides valuable insights into the current capabilities and limitations of LLMs in NLP. By introducing a structured taxonomy and exploring frontier research directions, it lays a foundation for future advancements in LLM-based NLP applications. Researchers can now explore these newly identified challenges and push the boundaries of what LLMs can achieve in the realm of natural language understanding and generation.


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