Emergent Mind


Since the first instances of online education, where courses were uploaded to accessible and shared online platforms, this form of scaling the dissemination of human knowledge to reach a broader audience has sparked extensive discussion and widespread adoption. Recognizing that personalized learning still holds significant potential for improvement, new AI technologies have been continuously integrated into this learning format, resulting in a variety of educational AI applications such as educational recommendation and intelligent tutoring. The emergence of intelligence in LLMs has allowed for these educational enhancements to be built upon a unified foundational model, enabling deeper integration. In this context, we propose MAIC (Massive AI-empowered Course), a new form of online education that leverages LLM-driven multi-agent systems to construct an AI-augmented classroom, balancing scalability with adaptivity. Beyond exploring the conceptual framework and technical innovations, we conduct preliminary experiments at Tsinghua University, one of China's leading universities. Drawing from over 100,000 learning records of more than 500 students, we obtain a series of valuable observations and initial analyses. This project will continue to evolve, ultimately aiming to establish a comprehensive open platform that supports and unifies research, technology, and applications in exploring the possibilities of online education in the era of large model AI. We envision this platform as a collaborative hub, bringing together educators, researchers, and innovators to collectively explore the future of AI-driven online education.

Comparison of MOOC and MAIC in teaching and learning aspects.


  • The paper presents a new AI-enhanced educational system called Massive AI-empowered Course (MAIC), transitioning from traditional MOOCs to a dynamic, adaptive learning environment driven by LLMs and multi-agent systems.

  • MAIC leverages AI-driven agents to replicate and enhance traditional classroom dynamics, including converting unstructured slide material into interactive educational resources and deploying diverse AI personas to stimulate student engagement.

  • Pilot implementation at Tsinghua University involving over 500 students showed positive outcomes in teaching and learning experiences, suggesting that MAIC can improve course quality, student engagement, and overall learning outcomes.

From MOOC to MAIC: Reshaping Online Teaching and Learning through LLM-driven Agents

An Overview of MAIC's Framework and Contributions

The paper "From MOOC to MAIC: Reshaping Online Teaching and Learning through LLM-driven Agents" addresses a significant evolution in online education by presenting a novel system named Massive AI-empowered Course (MAIC). The study situates this development within the broader trajectory of online education innovations, transitioning from static Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to a dynamic, AI-enhanced learning environment.

Core Innovations and Technical Framework

MAIC is constructed on the foundation of LLMs and multi-agent systems, achieving a balance between scalability and adaptivity. The design envisions a comprehensive online educational platform that replicates and enhances traditional classroom dynamics through AI-driven agents supporting both teaching and learning processes.

MAIC's Teaching Workflow

The course preparation component emphasizes converting unstructured slide materials into structured and interactive educational resources, integrated with LLM capabilities. The workflow involves:

  1. Content Extraction: Utilizing multi-modal LLMs to distill textual and visual elements from slides.
  2. Structure Extraction: Converting these elements into structured formats, creating a knowledge-aware taxonomy.
  3. Function Generation: Generating scripts and other instructional actions to support the teaching process.
  4. Agent Generation: Designing AI-driven teacher and teaching assistant agents with customizable traits and teaching styles, ensuring comprehensive classroom management.

MAIC's Learning Environment

The learning process utilizes a multi-agent classroom setup where AI agents such as the teacher, teaching assistants, and AI classmates perform critical roles. Key aspects include:

  1. Classmate Agents: AI entities representing diverse student personas (e.g., Class Clown, Deep Thinker) to foster an engaging classroom environment.
  2. Session Controller: A dynamic meta-agent controlling classroom flow, deciding on actions based on historical interactions and current state, enhancing adaptability and responsiveness.

Preliminary Observations and Evaluative Findings

The study conducted a pilot implementation of MAIC in two courses at Tsinghua University, involving over 500 students and analyzing more than 100,000 learning records. The evaluation focused on teaching and learning experiences from multiple dimensions, revealing insightful observations.

Teaching Side Evaluations

Lecture Script Generation: The generated scripts were evaluated on tone, clarity, supportiveness, and alignment, with MAIC's function generation outpacing traditional methods. The inclusion of visual content and contextual information significantly enhanced script quality, suggesting the importance of integrated, multi-modal processing in AI-driven teaching approaches.

Learning Side Evaluations

Classroom Manager Agent: Evaluated based on its decision accuracy in controlling multi-agent classroom dynamics, the manager agent demonstrated appreciable alignment with human decisions, though with room for improvement. The coordination of diverse classroom roles via this agent, supplemented with LLMs, underpins the adaptive and interactive nature of MAIC.

Behavioral Experiment Outcomes

The pilot courses provided substantial data indicating positive reception and enhanced learning outcomes. Key findings include:

  • Course Quality: Students rated the AI instructors positively for clarity and engagement, though personalization remains an area for further enhancement.
  • Student Engagement: High levels of proactive questioning and management behaviors were noted, signifying effective student interaction within the AI-driven classroom.
  • Learning Outcomes: Performance metrics from module tests and final exams positively correlated with engagement metrics, underscoring the efficacy of the designed MAIC environment.

Implications and Future Prospects

The deployment of MAIC heralds substantial implications for the future of online education. It promises enhanced scalability and personalized learning experiences, leveraging LLMs and multi-agent systems for adaptive instruction. Practical benefits include improved student engagement and potentially higher completion rates, addressing historical challenges of MOOCs.

However, the transition towards MAIC entails careful monitoring to mitigate risks such as data privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, and the diminished role of human educators. Continuous refinement and ethical considerations will be critical in ensuring that the evolution towards AI-driven education fosters equitable and inclusive learning environments.


The study on MAIC underscores a strategic leap in online education, blending advanced AI technologies with pedagogical principles to reshape teaching and learning dynamics. Moving forward, the development of an open, shared platform for MAIC promises to unify research, technology, and practice, encouraging collaborative exploration among educators, researchers, and innovators in the era of LLMs.

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