Emergent Mind

LongLLaVA: Scaling Multi-modal LLMs to 1000 Images Efficiently via Hybrid Architecture

Published Sep 4, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , cs.CV , and cs.MM


Expanding the long-context capabilities of Multi-modal LLMs~(MLLMs) is crucial for video understanding, high-resolution image understanding, and multi-modal agents. This involves a series of systematic optimizations, including model architecture, data construction and training strategy, particularly addressing challenges such as \textit{degraded performance with more images} and \textit{high computational costs}. In this paper, we adapt the model architecture to a hybrid of Mamba and Transformer blocks, approach data construction with both temporal and spatial dependencies among multiple images and employ a progressive training strategy. The released model \textbf{LongLLaVA}~(\textbf{Long}-Context \textbf{L}arge \textbf{L}anguage \textbf{a}nd \textbf{V}ision \textbf{A}ssistant) is the first hybrid MLLM, which achieved a better balance between efficiency and effectiveness. LongLLaVA not only achieves competitive results across various benchmarks, but also maintains high throughput and low memory consumption. Especially, it could process nearly a thousand images on a single A100 80GB GPU, showing promising application prospects for a wide range of tasks.

Architecture of LongLLaVA language model with integrated attention mechanisms and hierarchical structure.


  • The paper introduces LongLLaVA, a Multi-modal Large Language Model designed to efficiently handle extensive image sets using a hybrid architecture combining Transformer and Mamba blocks to balance computational efficiency and performance.

  • A unique data processing protocol differentiates temporal and spatial dependencies among images, and a progressive training approach adapts the model incrementally to multi-modal contexts, improving its performance across various complex multi-image tasks.

  • LongLLaVA demonstrates superior performance on several benchmarks and offers significant practical and theoretical implications, including applications in video understanding and medical image analysis, and sets a new benchmark for multi-modal LLMs.

A Critical Overview of "loooongLLaVA: Scaling Multi-modal LLMs to 1000 Images Efficiently via Hybrid Architecture"

The paper "loooongLLaVA: Scaling Multi-modal LLMs to 1000 Images Efficiently via Hybrid Architecture" by Xidong Wang et al. introduces LongLLaVA, a novel Multi-modal Large Language Model (MLLM) designed to handle extensive image sets with improved efficiency and performance. This work addresses significant challenges in the realm of MLLMs, specifically those related to processing long-context scenarios involving multiple images.

Contributions and Approach

Hybrid Architecture

One of the pivotal contributions of this paper is the introduction of a hybrid architecture combining Transformer and Mamba blocks. This architecture aims to strike a balance between computational efficiency and model performance. The hybrid design leverages the strengths of both types of blocks: the robust in-context learning capabilities of transformers and the linear computational complexity of Mamba, enhancing scalability and throughput. The authors report that this architecture manages to process nearly a thousand images on a single NVIDIA A100 80GB GPU, which is a substantial improvement compared to existing models.

Data Construction and Processing

The paper underscores the importance of carefully constructed datasets tailored to multi-image scenarios. The authors develop a unique data processing protocol that differentiates between temporal and spatial dependencies among images. This protocol uses special characters to delineate these relationships, thereby enabling the model to better understand complex image sequences and high-resolution images divided into sub-images.

Training Strategy

A progressive training approach is employed to adapt the model incrementally to multi-modal long contexts. The training is conducted in three phases: Single-image Alignment, Single-image Instruction-tuning, and Multi-image Instruction-tuning. This systematic adaptation ensures that the model retains its single-image understanding capabilities while scaling up to handle more complex, multi-image tasks. This strategy not only refines the model’s performance but also enhances its usability across various multi-modal applications.

Experimental Results

The evaluations presented in the paper demonstrate that LongLLaVA achieves superior performance across several benchmarks such as MileBench, Video-MME, and MVBench. Notably, it surpasses several proprietary and open-source models in multi-image tasks, especially in retrieval, counting, and ordering tasks in VNBench. The efficiency of LongLLaVA is emphasized by its comparatively lower PFLOPs (peta floating-point operations per second) despite its high performance, indicating that it is computationally efficient.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications

The advancements in LongLLaVA have significant practical implications. The ability to process extensive image sets efficiently makes it highly suitable for applications in video understanding, remote sensing, and pathology, among others. For instance, the model's ability to handle high-resolution images and understand temporal dependencies in videos can revolutionize real-time video analytics and detailed medical image analysis.

Theoretical Implications

On a theoretical level, the hybrid architecture proposed by the authors presents a promising direction for future research in multi-modal frameworks. It challenges the existing paradigms by showing that an integrated architecture can yield better performance without proportionally increasing computational costs. This calls for further exploration into other hybrid configurations and their potential applications.

Future Developments

Future developments in this area could involve extending the training sequence length to enhance the model’s ability to handle even larger sets of images, possibly exceeding 1,000. Additionally, integrating more sophisticated image compression techniques and further optimizing the hybrid architecture could amplify both performance and efficiency. Exploring the limits of multi-modal in-context learning and developing better alignment techniques for multi-modal data would also be beneficial.


The LongLLaVA model sets a new benchmark for multi-modal LLMs by successfully balancing efficiency and performance in handling long-context scenarios. The hybrid architecture, innovative data processing protocol, and progressive training strategy together form a robust framework that addresses the inherent challenges in scaling up image numbers in MLLMs. This work not only contributes significantly to the field but also opens up new avenues for research and application in multi-modal AI.

In summary, this paper provides a comprehensive and well-founded approach to advancing the capabilities of MLLMs, making it a valuable reference for researchers aiming to further explore and expand the horizons of multi-modal machine learning.

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