Emergent Mind

Law of Vision Representation in MLLMs

Published Aug 29, 2024 in cs.CV


We present the "Law of Vision Representation" in multimodal LLMs (MLLMs). It reveals a strong correlation between the combination of cross-modal alignment, correspondence in vision representation, and MLLM performance. We quantify the two factors using the cross-modal Alignment and Correspondence score (AC score). Through extensive experiments involving thirteen different vision representation settings and evaluations across eight benchmarks, we find that the AC score is linearly correlated to model performance. By leveraging this relationship, we are able to identify and train the optimal vision representation only, which does not require finetuning the language model every time, resulting in a 99.7% reduction in computational cost.

Image-text correspondence for various vision representations.


  • The paper formulates the 'Law of Vision Representation' which correlates cross-modal alignment and correspondence with the performance of multimodal LLMs (MLLMs).

  • Using the AC score, it quantifies the impact of cross-modal alignment (A) and correspondence (C) on MLLM performance and validates this law through extensive experiments.

  • The AC policy introduced in the paper significantly reduces computational costs in selecting optimal vision representations by effectively limiting the number of necessary finetuning runs.

Law of Vision Representation in MLLMs

The paper "Law of Vision Representation in MLLMs" by Shijia Yang et al. investigates factors influencing the performance of multimodal LLMs (MLLMs) by focusing on their vision representations. The key contribution of the paper is the formulation of a "Law of Vision Representation," which correlates cross-modal alignment and correspondence in vision representation with MLLM performance.

Problem Statement

Advances in MLLMs typically rely on pretrained vision encoders, such as CLIP, but the selection of vision representation has been predominantly empirical. Researchers often test a set of representations to find the one yielding the highest benchmark performance, without a fundamental understanding of why certain representations perform better. This paper aims to address this gap by identifying the underlying factors that contribute to the success of vision representations in MLLMs.

Proposed Law of Vision Representation

The authors introduce the "Law of Vision Representation," asserting that the performance of a MLLM (denoted as $Z$) is influenced by two factors: cross-modal alignment (A) and correspondence (C) of the vision representations. This relationship is mathematically defined as:

[ Z \propto f(A, C) ]

where (f) is a linear function on second-degree polynomial transformations of (A) and (C).

Factors and Metrics

To quantify these factors, the paper defines an AC score:

  1. A Score: Measures cross-modal alignment by comparing image and text embeddings.
  2. C Score: Measures correspondence based on key points in paired images.

The AC score is a second-degree polynomial transformation of these two scores, capturing their non-linear interactions.

Empirical Validation

Through extensive experiments involving thirteen different vision representation settings and evaluations across eight benchmarks, the authors demonstrate a strong linear correlation between the AC score and MLLM performance, with a coefficient of determination ($R2$) of 95.72%. This finding validates the Law of Vision Representation and provides a quantifiable metric to guide the selection and combination of vision encoders.

AC Policy for Efficient Vision Representation Selection

The paper further introduces the AC policy, an approach to efficiently identify the optimal vision representation within a given search space. Traditionally, selecting the optimal vision representation is computationally expensive, requiring numerous finetuning runs of the MLLM. The AC policy significantly reduces this cost by using the AC score to limit the number of necessary finetuning runs while still identifying the optimal configuration with high recall.

Using the AC policy, the authors show that they can achieve 89.69% Recall@3 with only 3.88 full training runs on average, compared to 12 runs required for random selection. This efficiency highlights the practical impact of their findings, potentially saving significant computational resources and costs in developing and finetuning MLLMs.

Implications and Future Work

The findings have several implications for both the practical and theoretical development of MLLMs. Practically, the AC score provides a systematic method to explore and optimize vision representations, thus reducing computational costs and improving the accuracy of MLLMs. Theoretically, the strong correlation between AC scores and performance underscores the importance of cross-modal alignment and correspondence in effective multimodal representations.

Future research can build on these findings by exploring more sophisticated models for calculating AC scores or developing datasets specifically tailored to measure correspondence in images containing text—critical for benchmarks like TextVQA and VizWiz. Additionally, the AC score methodology can be expanded to more complex vision tasks and combined modalities beyond vision and text.


In summary, the paper "Law of Vision Representation in MLLMs" provides a compelling framework for understanding and optimizing vision representations in multimodal LLMs. By identifying and quantifying key factors that influence MLLM performance, the authors not only shed light on previously empirical processes but also offer practical tools to enhance model development efficiency. Their work sets a foundation for future advancements in the field of multimodal AI.

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