Emergent Mind


The field of vision-language models (VLMs), which take images and texts as inputs and output texts, is rapidly evolving and has yet to reach consensus on several key aspects of the development pipeline, including data, architecture, and training methods. This paper can be seen as a tutorial for building a VLM. We begin by providing a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art approaches, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each, addressing the major challenges in the field, and suggesting promising research directions for underexplored areas. We then walk through the practical steps to build Idefics3-8B, a powerful VLM that significantly outperforms its predecessor Idefics2-8B, while being trained efficiently, exclusively on open datasets, and using a straightforward pipeline. These steps include the creation of Docmatix, a dataset for improving document understanding capabilities, which is 240 times larger than previously available datasets. We release the model along with the datasets created for its training.

Examples of pre-training inputs for VLMs: LAION COCO, OBELICS, and OCR-IDL sources.


  • The paper covers the development pipeline for Vision-Language Models (VLMs), emphasizing architectural choices and training methodologies with a focus on practical implications for future research.

  • It introduces the Idefics3-8B model, highlighting improvements over its predecessor, Idefics2-8B, through the use of open datasets and a streamlined training process.

  • Evaluation challenges are addressed, alongside the introduction of the Docmatix dataset, which enhances document understanding capabilities and sets the stage for future research directions in integrating vision encoders and attention mechanisms.

Building and Better Understanding Vision-Language Models: Insights and Future Directions

The paper "Building and Better Understanding Vision-Language Models: Insights and Future Directions," authored by Hugo Laurençon, Andrés Marafioti, Victor Sanh, and Léo Tronchon from Hugging Face, serves as a comprehensive guide for constructing Vision-Language Models (VLMs). It covers the nuances of VLM development pipelines and introduces Idefics3-8B, a model that highlights notable improvements over its predecessor, Idefics2-8B, using open datasets and a streamlined training pipeline. This essay provides an expert analysis of the paper, focusing on its insights into VLM architectures and training methodologies, as well as its practical implications for future research.

Architectural Choices in Vision-Language Models

The paper begins by addressing the differing architectural choices in connecting pre-trained unimodal language models and vision encoders. Specifically, it compares the cross-attention architecture, introduced in Flamingo, and the self-attention architecture, seen in FROMAGe and BLIP-2. The cross-attention architecture adds newly initialized parameters to the frozen LLM, increasing its expressivity without compromising text-only tasks. In contrast, the self-attention architecture concatenates visual and text tokens, offering a more efficient framework for training and inference.

Furthermore, the paper discusses the impact of the pre-trained backbones on VLM performance. For instance, replacing the LLM with a more robust model like Mistral-7B reduced error rates, highlighting the importance of powerful initial backbones. However, the optimal strategy for integrating vision encoders remains an open question, with varying methods like cross-attention modules and pooling strategies demonstrating different strengths based on the task at hand.

Training Methods and Datasets

Training VLMs typically involves multiple stages to address data quality, memory constraints, and stability. Initially, the authors propose using low-resolution images and progressively introducing more complex datasets, like PDF documents, at later stages. They emphasize the utility of large-scale image-text pair datasets like LAION and synthetic datasets, which can introduce higher-quality captions and more diverse training data.

The paper also introduces Docmatix, a dataset specifically designed to enhance document understanding. It includes 2.4 million images and 9.5 million QA pairs derived from 1.3 million PDF documents. Comparative studies show significant performance improvements when models are trained on Docmatix, exemplifying the dataset's value in addressing real-world document understanding tasks.

Evaluation Challenges

Evaluating VLMs poses substantial challenges, primarily due to the discrepancy between pre-training and post-fine-tuning performance. The authors suggest incorporating instructional data during pre-training to better assess the models' multimodal capabilities early on. Moreover, they underscore the importance of aligning models with human preferences to reduce hallucinations and enhance safety, using techniques like DPO based on preference datasets created by LLMs.

Practical Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this research are far-reaching in both practical and theoretical domains. For instance, the advancements in document understanding capabilities, facilitated by Docmatix, promise significant improvements in automating administrative and analytical tasks. Additionally, the exploration of integrating vision encoders with various attention mechanisms opens avenues for developing more adaptive and efficient VLM architectures.

Looking forward, the paper advocates for several promising research directions. These include developing vision encoders capable of handling large and varied resolutions efficiently, leveraging diverse synthetic datasets for broader task coverage, and exploring more advanced alignment techniques to fine-tune model outputs with human expectations.


The paper "Building and Better Understanding Vision-Language Models: Insights and Future Directions" offers an extensive analysis of the VLM development pipeline, from architectural choices to evaluation challenges. By proposing innovative solutions such as the Docmatix dataset and outlining practical training methodologies, it lays the groundwork for advancing VLM research. As the field evolves, integrating these insights will likely yield more capable and efficient models, ready to tackle increasingly complex multimodal tasks.

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