Emergent Mind

DMESA: Densely Matching Everything by Segmenting Anything

Published Aug 1, 2024 in cs.CV


We propose MESA and DMESA as novel feature matching methods, which utilize Segment Anything Model (SAM) to effectively mitigate matching redundancy. The key insight of our methods is to establish implicit-semantic area matching prior to point matching, based on advanced image understanding of SAM. Then, informative area matches with consistent internal semantic are able to undergo dense feature comparison, facilitating precise inside-area point matching. Specifically, MESA adopts a sparse matching framework and first obtains candidate areas from SAM results through a novel Area Graph (AG). Then, area matching among the candidates is formulated as graph energy minimization and solved by graphical models derived from AG. To address the efficiency issue of MESA, we further propose DMESA as its dense counterpart, applying a dense matching framework. After candidate areas are identified by AG, DMESA establishes area matches through generating dense matching distributions. The distributions are produced from off-the-shelf patch matching utilizing the Gaussian Mixture Model and refined via the Expectation Maximization. With less repetitive computation, DMESA showcases a speed improvement of nearly five times compared to MESA, while maintaining competitive accuracy. Our methods are extensively evaluated on five datasets encompassing indoor and outdoor scenes. The results illustrate consistent performance improvements from our methods for five distinct point matching baselines across all datasets. Furthermore, our methods exhibit promise generalization and improved robustness against image resolution variations. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/Easonyesheng/A2PM-MESA.

Efficiency improvement in area similarity calculations by adopting DMESA over MESA.


  • The paper introduces two methods, MESA and DMESA, which leverage advanced image segmentation for feature matching accuracy in computer vision applications.

  • MESA employs a sparse matching framework with complex area similarity calculations, while DMESA enhances efficiency using dense matching distributions and Expectation Maximization.

  • DMESA demonstrates nearly five times speed improvement over MESA while maintaining accuracy, making it suitable for real-time applications.

An Insightful Overview of "DMESA: Densely Matching Everything by Segmenting Anything"

The paper "DMESA: Densely Matching Everything by Segmenting Anything" presents a novel approach to enhance feature matching accuracy by segmenting images using the Segment Anything Model (SAM). The authors introduce two methods: MESA and DMESA, both aimed at mitigating matching redundancy in feature matching tasks. This task is pivotal in numerous computer vision applications such as SLAM, Structure from Motion (SfM), and visual localization, where precise feature matching remains a significant challenge.


The core idea behind MESA and DMESA is to leverage the advanced image segmentation capabilities of SAM. These capabilities enable the extraction of implicit semantic information which is then utilized to establish area matches across images before performing point matching. This hierarchical matching strategy aims to reduce redundancy and improve the accuracy of feature matching.

MESA (Matching Everything by Segmenting Anything)

MESA operates through a sparse matching framework. The process begins with image segmentation using SAM to obtain candidate areas. These areas are organized into an Area Graph (AG), where nodes represent areas and edges represent spatial relationships (adjacency and inclusion). This graph structure captures both the global and local context of the image areas.

The Area Markov Random Field (AMRF) is employed to minimize energy and establish area matches considering the AG. A learning model is proposed to calculate area similarities, enhancing precision by focusing on patch-level classification within areas. Despite its robustness, this process is computationally intensive due to the multiple levels of area similarity calculations required.


To enhance efficiency, DMESA adopts a dense matching framework. After segmenting the images and identifying candidate areas via AG, DMESA generates dense matching distributions using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) applied to patch matches. These distributions are refined using Expectation Maximization (EM) to ensure higher accuracy through the introduction of cycle-consistency. This iterative process reduces computational redundancy, showcasing a significant speed improvement of nearly five times over MESA while maintaining comparable accuracy.


The authors conduct extensive evaluations on five datasets covering both indoor and outdoor scenes. The results highlight consistent improvements across different point matching baselines for all datasets. This robustness is further exemplified by DMESA's superior generalization capability and resilience to variations in image resolution.

Strong Numerical Results

  • Improvement in Efficiency: DMESA demonstrates nearly five times speed improvement compared to MESA.
  • Performance Metrics: The area matching (AOR), area matching precision (AMP), and pose estimation accuracy show significant enhancements with the proposed methods over previous state-of-the-art methods like SGAM.
  • Cross-Domain Evaluation: The proposed methods exhibit satisfactory generalization capabilities, maintaining high accuracy even when applied across different domains.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

The proposed methods substantially contribute to the field of feature matching by addressing the issue of matching redundancy through a segmentation-based approach. The hierarchical matching strategy not only enhances accuracy but also offers a scalable solution applicable across various domains. Furthermore, the efficiency improvements achieved by DMESA make it a practical choice for real-time applications in computer vision, where computational resources are often limited.

Future Developments

Moving forward, several potential research directions exist:

  1. Leveraging SAM Features: Utilizing SAM's robust image embeddings directly for finer-grained matching tasks could further reduce computational overhead while enhancing accuracy.
  2. Feature-Guided Fusion: Consistent fusion of areas based on features rather than 2D distances could mitigate challenges posed by viewpoint variations and repeated patterns.
  3. Parallel Computing: Implementing parallel processing techniques and GPU acceleration could optimize the overall matching process, making the A2PM framework more efficient for extensive datasets.


The paper presents a substantial advancement in feature matching through the innovative use of high-level image segmentation. While MESA establishes a solid foundation for area-based matching, DMESA pushes the boundaries by offering a more efficient and scalable solution. These contributions not only enhance the performance of existing point matchers but also pave the way for future research in the domain, emphasizing practical utility and adaptability across various computer vision applications.

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