Emergent Mind

MoMa: Efficient Early-Fusion Pre-training with Mixture of Modality-Aware Experts

Published Jul 31, 2024 in cs.AI and cs.LG


We introduce MoMa, a novel modality-aware mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture designed for pre-training mixed-modal, early-fusion language models. MoMa processes images and text in arbitrary sequences by dividing expert modules into modality-specific groups. These groups exclusively process designated tokens while employing learned routing within each group to maintain semantically informed adaptivity. Our empirical results reveal substantial pre-training efficiency gains through this modality-specific parameter allocation. Under a 1-trillion-token training budget, the MoMa 1.4B model, featuring 4 text experts and 4 image experts, achieves impressive FLOPs savings: 3.7x overall, with 2.6x for text and 5.2x for image processing compared to a compute-equivalent dense baseline, measured by pre-training loss. This outperforms the standard expert-choice MoE with 8 mixed-modal experts, which achieves 3x overall FLOPs savings (3x for text, 2.8x for image). Combining MoMa with mixture-of-depths (MoD) further improves pre-training FLOPs savings to 4.2x overall (text: 3.4x, image: 5.3x), although this combination hurts performance in causal inference due to increased sensitivity to router accuracy. These results demonstrate MoMa's potential to significantly advance the efficiency of mixed-modal, early-fusion language model pre-training, paving the way for more resource-efficient and capable multimodal AI systems.

Multimodal early-fusion architecture processes interleaved text and image data using a transformer model.


  • The paper introduces MoMa, a mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture for pre-training mixed-modal, early-fusion language models, aimed at improving computational efficiency by using modality-specific expert modules.

  • Key contributions include the use of modality-aware experts, a hierarchical routing mechanism, and the integration of Mixture-of-Depths (MoD) that allows tokens to skip certain layers, significantly enhancing computational efficiency while maintaining performance.

  • Extensive empirical evaluations demonstrate substantial pre-training efficiency gains, with MoMa achieving up to 4.2× savings in FLOPs compared to dense baselines, highlighting its potential for more resource-efficient multimodal AI system development.

Efficient Early-Fusion Pre-Training with Mixture of Modality-Aware Experts: A Detailed Overview

The paper presents MoMa, a modality-aware mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture designed for pre-training mixed-modal, early-fusion language models. By leveraging modality-specific expert modules, MoMa introduces a novel approach to handling images and text, resulting in significant computational efficiency improvements. This summary explore the paper's contributions, methodologies, and potential implications in the domain of multimodal AI systems.

Core Contributions

The authors identify and address the inherent computational challenge of scaling mixed-modal early-fusion models. Mixed-modal models typically use a unified architecture for integrating different types of data, such as text and images, but this can lead to significant computational inefficiencies. The key contributions of the paper include:

  1. Introduction of Modality-Aware Experts: MoMa divides experts into modality-specific groups to handle different token types more efficiently while maintaining effective cross-modality integration via shared self-attention mechanisms.
  2. Hierarchical Routing Mechanism: A two-stage routing process is employed wherein tokens are first routed based on their modality and then further routed within their respective modality-specific group.
  3. Combination with Mixture-of-Depths (MoD): The architecture also incorporates MoD to introduce significant depth sparsity, enabling tokens to selectively skip certain layers, thus enhancing computational efficiency.
  4. Empirical Analysis and Performance Gains: Extensive empirical evaluations illustrate that MoMa achieves substantial pre-training efficiency gains, significantly reducing FLOPs while maintaining competitive performance.


Modality-Aware Sparsity

The application of modality-specific modules, termed Modality-Aware Sparsity (MaS), optimizes the processing by acknowledging the distinct characteristics of text and image tokens. The procedure divides the experts into text and image-specific groups, routing tokens within these groups to maintain high semantic relevance and adaptivity.

Expert Choice Routing: The paper employs expert-choice (EC) routing to ensure each expert processes a balanced number of tokens, facilitating high training throughput.

Hierarchical Routing: Tokens are initially routed based on modality-specific characteristics and subsequently assigned within the expert groups using learned routing functions. This hierarchical structure aids in optimizing both intra-modality and cross-modality information processing.

Mixture-of-Depths (MoD)

By integrating MoD, the tokens can selectively skip the computation in certain layers, guided by additional auxiliary routers. This novel approach of combining both width and depth sparsity results in notable efficiency gains, despite some performance compromise in scenarios like causal inference.

Experimental Evaluation

Efficiency and Performance

The authors provide an extensive empirical evaluation through several experimental configurations, controlling for FLOPs to ensure fairness in comparison. Some key findings include:

  • Improved Pre-Training Efficiency: MoMa, with 4 text experts and 4 image experts, achieved a 3.7× overall FLOPs savings compared to a dense baseline, with specific savings of 2.6× for text and 5.2× for images.
  • Combining MoMa with MoD: This combination referred to as ChaMoMaD, achieved a 4.2× overall FLOPs savings (text: 3.4×, image: 5.3×), although with reduced performance during causal inference due to increased sensitivity to routing accuracy.

Practical Implications and Future Research

The efficiency gains introduced by MoMa have significant practical implications, offering a more resource-efficient methodology for developing multimodal AI systems. The results from the paper suggest that modality-aware sparsity along with hierarchical routing is a viable solution to the computational challenges that arise in mixed-modal early-fusion models.

Future Research Directions: The paper opens several avenues for future work:

  • Improving Routing Accuracy: Enhancing the accuracy of the auxiliary routers, especially in the context of MoD, is critical for better performance during causal inference.
  • Exploring Modality-Tied Architectures: Investigating more complex configurations, including combinations of different sparsity patterns, can potentially yield further advancements in efficiency and performance.
  • Expanding to More Modalities: Extending the current methodology to incorporate other modalities such as audio or video could be explored for broader application scenarios.


In summary, the MoMa architecture represents a significant step forward in optimizing mixed-modal early-fusion models. By addressing the unique computational demands of processing image and text tokens with modality-aware experts and combining width and depth sparsity, the proposed model achieves impressive efficiency gains without compromising performance. This work lays a robust foundation for the future development of scalable and resource-efficient multimodal AI systems.

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