Emergent Mind

Adaptive Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Conversational Systems

Published Jul 31, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.IR


Despite the success of integrating LLMs into the development of conversational systems, many studies have shown the effectiveness of retrieving and augmenting external knowledge for informative responses. Hence, many existing studies commonly assume the always need for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) in a conversational system without explicit control. This raises a research question about such a necessity. In this study, we propose to investigate the need for each turn of system response to be augmented with external knowledge. In particular, by leveraging human judgements on the binary choice of adaptive augmentation, we develop RAGate, a gating model, which models conversation context and relevant inputs to predict if a conversational system requires RAG for improved responses. We conduct extensive experiments on devising and applying RAGate to conversational models and well-rounded analyses of different conversational scenarios. Our experimental results and analysis indicate the effective application of RAGate in RAG-based conversational systems in identifying system responses for appropriate RAG with high-quality responses and a high generation confidence. This study also identifies the correlation between the generation's confidence level and the relevance of the augmented knowledge.

RAGate variants: predictions via pre-trained language models, parameter-efficient fine-tuning, and multi-head attention encoder.


  • The paper introduces RAGate, a model that dynamically determines the necessity for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) in conversational systems to improve response quality and relevance.

  • RAGate employs three variants: RAGate-Prompt, RAGate-PEFT, and RAGate-MHA, each utilizing different mechanisms to decide when to augment responses with external knowledge.

  • Experimental validation on the KETOD dataset shows that adaptive augmentation using RAGate enhances response quality, increases confidence levels, and reduces hallucination compared to traditional methods.

Adaptive Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Conversational Systems

The paper "Adaptive Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Conversational Systems" by Xi Wang et al. addresses a critical challenge in the development of conversational AI: the necessity and appropriateness of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for every turn in a dialogue. The authors introduce RAGate, a gating model designed to dynamically determine if external knowledge augmentation is required for each system response. This approach aims to improve the overall quality and relevance of conversational AI responses while mitigating issues related to overusing external information, such as hallucination and reduced diversity.

Background and Motivation

Integrating LLMs into conversational systems has significantly improved the fluency and coherence of generated responses. However, LLMs are not devoid of limitations, including outdated information, non-factual content, and restricted domain adaptability. These shortcomings necessitate the augmentation of external knowledge to enhance the responses. Current paradigms often assume the necessity of RAG for every conversational turn, which, as this paper examines, might not always be optimal. Overusing external knowledge can lead to irrelevant or overly specific responses, detracting from the user experience.

RAGate: The Proposed Solution

To address the necessity of adaptive RAG, the authors propose RAGate—a gating mechanism inspired by the gate functions in long-short term memory models. RAGate selectively determines when to augment a system response with external knowledge based on the context of the conversation and relevant knowledge. This binary decision-making process guides the conversational system in generating more informed and contextually appropriate responses.

The authors explore three variants of RAGate:

  1. RAGate-Prompt: Utilizes pre-trained LLMs with devised natural language prompts (zero-shot and in-context learning) to determine the necessity of knowledge augmentation.
  2. RAGate-PEFT: Employs parameter-efficient fine-tuning of LLMs (e.g., QLoRA) to improve the model's performance in estimating augmentation needs.
  3. RAGate-MHA: Implements a multi-head attention neural encoder to model the conversational context and predict augmentation requirements.

Experimental Validation

The study utilizes the KETOD dataset, which provides rich annotations on conversational turns necessitating knowledge augmentation. The experimental evaluations involve several metrics, including precision, recall, F1 score, and confidence levels, to assess the effectiveness of different RAGate variants.

Key Findings

  1. Classification Performance: The RAGate-PEFT approaches demonstrated significant improvements over RAGate-Prompt methodologies in accurately identifying augmentation needs. The RAGate-MHA models showed superior recall performance, effectively capturing the trend of human augmentation decisions and aligning closely with human preferences in augmenting initial conversational turns.
  2. Augmentation Impact Analysis: The analysis of augmentation frequency across different conversational positions and domains revealed that augmentation was more beneficial in initial dialogue turns and specific domains like travel and services.
  3. Response Quality: Adaptive augmentation using RAGate led to high-quality responses comparable to "always augmenting" models but with better confidence levels and reduced risk of hallucination. The integration of adaptive augmentation demonstrated improvements over random augmentation and human-labeled datasets, indicating the efficacy of the gating mechanism.

Implications and Future Directions

The study underscores the importance of selective augmentation in conversational systems, highlighting that not all turns benefit equally from external knowledge. This has significant implications for the design of conversational AI, pointing towards more nuanced models that consider the context and relevance of external information.

Future research could explore more advanced retrieval algorithms, larger and more diverse datasets, and the integration of real-time user feedback to refine the gating mechanism. Additionally, understanding the correlation between confidence levels and response quality could provide deeper insights into developing more reliable conversational models.


This research presents a compelling approach to refining RAG in conversational systems through the adaptive mechanism of RAGate. By selectively determining the necessity for external knowledge augmentation, RAGate aims to enhance the relevance and quality of AI-generated responses. These findings pave the way for more intelligent, context-aware conversational agents that can provide accurate, relevant, and user-friendly interactions.

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