Emergent Mind


LLMs rely on instruction samples for alignment, but creating these datasets poses challenges, particularly in expert-dependent tasks like coding, which can be cost-prohibitive. One approach to mitigate these challenges is synthesizing data using another LLM. In this paper, we introduce a scalable method for generating synthetic instructions to enhance the code generation capability of LLMs. The proposed algorithm, Genetic-Instruct, mimics evolutionary processes, utilizing self-instruction to create numerous synthetic samples from a limited number of seeds. Genetic-Instruct is designed for efficient scaling of the generation process. Fine-tuning multiple coding LLMs with the synthetic samples demonstrates a significant improvement in their code generation accuracy compared to the baselines.

Genetic-Instruct Process using LLM for code generation, evaluation, and de-duplication.


  • The paper introduces Genetic-Instruct, an innovative algorithm designed to enhance the coding instruction generation capability of LLMs through scalable synthetic data generation.

  • The methodology employs an evolutionary algorithm with operations like mutation and crossover to create new coding instructions from an initial set of high-quality seeds, evaluated by another LLM for quality.

  • Experiments using benchmarks such as HumanEval and MBPP show that data augmented with Genetic-Instruct significantly improves LLM performance, suggesting practical benefits in reducing data generation costs and potential applications to other domains.

Genetic Instruct: Scaling up Synthetic Generation of Coding Instructions for LLMs

Majumdar et al. introduce a novel algorithm named Genetic-Instruct, designed to enhance the code generation capability of LLMs through the scalable generation of synthetic coding instructions. This paper addresses the critical challenge of creating diverse and complex instruction datasets necessary for the effective alignment of LLMs, particularly in expert-reliant domains such as coding. Given the prohibitive cost of manual dataset creation, the authors propose an evolutionary algorithm-based approach to automatically generate synthetic instructions, thereby mitigating the dependency on human expertise.


LLMs have demonstrated their potential in programming and solving coding problems. However, these models require extensive paired instruction-solution datasets for alignment, which is both costly and time-consuming to produce. By synthesizing data using another LLM, researchers aim to create a more efficient data generation process. The Genetic-Instruct algorithm emulates evolutionary processes, using self-instruction mechanisms to generate a large number of synthetic samples from a limited set of seed instructions.


Genetic-Instruct employs a hybrid evolutionary algorithm featuring crossover and mutation operations to create new instructions from a small set of high-quality seeds. The process is iterative and involves several key components:

  1. Initialization: Starts with a seed population of high-quality instructions.
  2. Mutation and Crossover: Uses LLMs to perform evolutionary operations, generating new instructions (crossover) or evolving existing ones (mutation).
  3. Code Generation: Another LLM generates corresponding code solutions for the newly created instructions.
  4. Fitness Evaluation: A Judge-LLM assesses the correctness and quality of the generated instruction-code pairs.
  5. Population Update: New samples that pass fitness evaluations are added to the population, and the process repeats until the desired dataset size is achieved.

The algorithm facilitates massive parallel execution, enabling scaling across multiple computational nodes and sub-colonies. This parallelism significantly enhances the efficiency of the synthetic data generation process.

Experiments and Results

The efficacy of the Genetic-Instruct algorithm was evaluated using several benchmarks: HumanEval, MBPP, HumanEval+, and MBPP+. The results demonstrated substantial improvements in code generation accuracy across different models and datasets. Notably:

  • Models fine-tuned with Genetic-Instruct-augmented data consistently outperformed their baseline counterparts.
  • A consistent trend was observed where the performance on extended benchmarks (HumanEval+ and MBPP+) was more robust, indicating the generation of higher-quality instructions.
  • The algorithm proved adaptable to various seed datasets, highlighting the robustness of the approach.

The experiments also underscored the importance of the quality of the Instructor-LLM, Coder-LLM, and Judge-LLM in the data generation process. More powerful models yielded better cross-over and mutation operations, thereby improving the overall quality of the generated datasets.

Implications and Future Work

The research presented in this paper has both practical and theoretical implications:

  • Practical Implications: The ability to scale synthetic data generation using Genetic-Instruct can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with creating large, diverse datasets for training LLMs. This can accelerate the development of more capable models in specialized domains like programming.
  • Theoretical Implications: The success of the Genetic-Instruct algorithm demonstrates the viability of evolutionary algorithms in synthetic data generation. It opens new avenues for exploring other evolutionary-inspired methods for different types of instruction generation tasks.

Speculations on Future Developments

Looking forward, the following developments could be anticipated in the field of AI and LLM data augmentation:

  • Iterative Self-Improvement: LLMs fine-tuned using Genetic-Instruct data can potentially be used as base models for further data generation, creating an iterative loop of self-improvement.
  • Application to Other Domains: While the current focus is on coding, the underlying principles could be adapted to other expert-reliant domains such as scientific research, legal document drafting, or complex decision-making tasks.
  • Enhanced LLM Collaboration: Future work could explore more sophisticated collaboration strategies between multiple LLMs to enhance the mutation and crossover operations, possibly leveraging ensemble learning techniques.

In conclusion, the Genetic-Instruct algorithm presents a compelling solution to the challenge of creating large-scale, high-quality datasets for training LLMs, particularly in specialized domains. The approach’s scalability and robustness make it a valuable addition to the toolkit of AI researchers and practitioners aiming to push the boundaries of what LLMs can achieve.

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