Emergent Mind

Modular RAG: Transforming RAG Systems into LEGO-like Reconfigurable Frameworks

Published Jul 26, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.IR


Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG) has markedly enhanced the capabilities of LLMs in tackling knowledge-intensive tasks. The increasing demands of application scenarios have driven the evolution of RAG, leading to the integration of advanced retrievers, LLMs and other complementary technologies, which in turn has amplified the intricacy of RAG systems. However, the rapid advancements are outpacing the foundational RAG paradigm, with many methods struggling to be unified under the process of "retrieve-then-generate". In this context, this paper examines the limitations of the existing RAG paradigm and introduces the modular RAG framework. By decomposing complex RAG systems into independent modules and specialized operators, it facilitates a highly reconfigurable framework. Modular RAG transcends the traditional linear architecture, embracing a more advanced design that integrates routing, scheduling, and fusion mechanisms. Drawing on extensive research, this paper further identifies prevalent RAG patterns-linear, conditional, branching, and looping-and offers a comprehensive analysis of their respective implementation nuances. Modular RAG presents innovative opportunities for the conceptualization and deployment of RAG systems. Finally, the paper explores the potential emergence of new operators and paradigms, establishing a solid theoretical foundation and a practical roadmap for the continued evolution and practical deployment of RAG technologies.

Comparison of three RAG paradigms, highlighting modular RAG's evolution and practical alignment.


  • The paper proposes a Modular Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework to enhance flexibility, maintainability, and scalability of existing RAG systems.

  • It introduces modular architecture, diverse operational patterns, and advanced techniques for efficient indexing, retrieval, and generation of information.

  • The framework has significant implications for practical applications like question-answering and customer service, as well as fostering theoretical innovations in RAG technology.

Modular RAG: Transforming RAG Systems into LEGO-like Reconfigurable Frameworks


In this paper, Gao et al. present the Modular Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework that addresses the increasing complexity and limitations of existing RAG systems. RAG, which enhances LLMs by incorporating external knowledge bases, has proven valuable for various knowledge-intensive tasks. However, the foundational "retrieve-then-generate" paradigm is insufficient for the diverse and evolving demands of modern applications. To counter these limitations, the authors propose decomposing RAG systems into independent, reconfigurable modules and specialized operators, thereby increasing flexibility, maintainability, and scalability.

Key Contributions and Innovations

The paper introduces a comprehensive modular RAG framework with several key contributions:

  1. Modular Architecture: The proposed framework divides RAG systems into three levels: top-level modules, mid-level sub-modules, and foundational operators. This decomposition allows for independent design and optimization of components, resulting in a more maintainable and flexible system.
  2. RAG Flow and Patterns: Six typical flow patterns—linear, conditional, branching, iterative, recursive, and adaptive—are analyzed. These patterns enable the systematic organization and orchestration of flow within the modular RAG framework.
  3. Integration of Advanced Techniques: The framework incorporates advanced indexing, retrieval, and generation techniques to handle the increasing complexity of data and tasks. Methods like query expansion, query transformation, fine-tuning retrieval models, and adaptive retrieval are systematically integrated.
  4. Application and Research Implications: Modular RAG opens new opportunities for both practical applications and theoretical research. It allows for easy customization of RAG systems for different scenarios and fosters the development of novel methodologies in RAG technology.

Detailed Analysis of the Modular RAG Framework

Framework and Notation

The paper defines a framework that breaks down the RAG system into separate yet interrelated modules, sub-modules, and operators that collectively manage the retrieval and generation process:

  • Indexing: Splits and structures document chunks for efficient retrieval.
  • Pre-Retrieval: Prepares and transforms queries for optimized retrieval.
  • Retrieval: Employs various retrievers, including sparse, dense, and hybrid models, to retrieve relevant information.
  • Post-Retrieval: Reranks, compresses, or selectively uses retrieved chunks to refine input for LLMs.
  • Generation: Utilizes fine-tuned LLMs to generate final responses, incorporating verification mechanisms.
  • Orchestration: Manages the workflow through routing, scheduling, and fusion mechanisms, enhancing the overall adaptability and efficiency of the system.

Flow Patterns and Cases

The paper categorizes and elaborates on six patterns for RAG flows, each handling specific scenarios and challenges:

  1. Linear Pattern: Represents the simplest form, processing modules sequentially.
  2. Conditional Pattern: Directs queries through different pipelines based on routing mechanisms.
  3. Branching Pattern: Explores various parallel branches to increase response diversity or combine multi-modal inputs.
  4. Loop Pattern: Incorporates iterative, recursive, or adaptive retrieval, enabling dynamic adjustment based on intermediate results.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications

The Modular RAG framework significantly improves system flexibility and scalability. Users can flexibly combine different modules and operators according to the requirements of data sources and task scenarios. This adaptability is crucial for deploying RAG systems in varied application domains such as knowledge question-answering, recommendation systems, and customer service.

Theoretical Implications

The framework fosters a fertile ground for model innovation by defining modular roles and interactions. This systematic approach facilitates the exploration of new theoretical dimensions within RAG systems, supporting the creation of novel methodologies and enhancing research productivity in the domain.

Compatibility and Scalability

The paper discusses three typical scalability cases, demonstrating how Modular RAG accommodates and enhances the integration of new methodologies:

  1. Recombination of Current Modules: Improves on existing methods by combining modules in innovative ways.
  2. New Flows Without New Operators: Redesigns retrieval and generation processes, such as PlanRAG, to manage complex scenarios without introducing new operators.
  3. New Flows Derived from New Operators: Incorporates new operators like those in Multi-Head RAG, addressing complex queries requiring multi-faceted document retrieval.


The Modular RAG paradigm significantly advances the state of RAG systems by providing a structured, modular approach that enhances flexibility, scalability, and maintainability. By enabling easy customization and fostering innovation, this framework lays a robust foundation for the continued evolution and practical deployment of RAG technologies across diverse applications. The modular approach not only offers immediate practical benefits but also paves the way for theoretical advancements and new research directions in the domain of retrieval-augmented generation systems.

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