Emergent Mind

Advancing Chart Question Answering with Robust Chart Component Recognition

Published Jul 19, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.IR


Chart comprehension presents significant challenges for machine learning models due to the diverse and intricate shapes of charts. Existing multimodal methods often overlook these visual features or fail to integrate them effectively for chart question answering (ChartQA). To address this, we introduce Chartformer, a unified framework that enhances chart component recognition by accurately identifying and classifying components such as bars, lines, pies, titles, legends, and axes. Additionally, we propose a novel Question-guided Deformable Co-Attention (QDCAt) mechanism, which fuses chart features encoded by Chartformer with the given question, leveraging the question's guidance to ground the correct answer. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed approaches significantly outperform baseline models in chart component recognition and ChartQA tasks, achieving improvements of 3.2% in mAP and 15.4% in accuracy, respectively. These results underscore the robustness of our solution for detailed visual data interpretation across various applications.

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