Emergent Mind

SAPG: Split and Aggregate Policy Gradients

Published Jul 29, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.CV , cs.RO , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Despite extreme sample inefficiency, on-policy reinforcement learning, aka policy gradients, has become a fundamental tool in decision-making problems. With the recent advances in GPU-driven simulation, the ability to collect large amounts of data for RL training has scaled exponentially. However, we show that current RL methods, e.g. PPO, fail to ingest the benefit of parallelized environments beyond a certain point and their performance saturates. To address this, we propose a new on-policy RL algorithm that can effectively leverage large-scale environments by splitting them into chunks and fusing them back together via importance sampling. Our algorithm, termed SAPG, shows significantly higher performance across a variety of challenging environments where vanilla PPO and other strong baselines fail to achieve high performance. Website at https://sapg-rl.github.io/

SAPG outperforms PPO, PBT, and PQL baselines across various AllegroKuka and Shadow Hand tasks.


  • The SAPG (Split and Aggregate Policy Gradients) method scales on-policy reinforcement learning to large-scale parallel environments, addressing limitations of traditional methods like PPO.

  • SAPG employs a divide-and-conquer strategy: environments are split into chunks with separate policies ('followers') that optimize independently, and their data is aggregated by a 'leader' policy through an off-policy update mechanism.

  • Experiments demonstrate SAPG's superior performance in complex manipulation tasks, significantly outperforming baselines in challenging environments like Allegro Kuka Regrasping and Shadow Hand Reorientation.

SAPG: Split and Aggregate Policy Gradients

The paper "SAPG: Split and Aggregate Policy Gradients" introduces a novel approach to scale on-policy reinforcement learning (RL) to leverage large-scale parallel environments. The proposed SAPG (Split and Aggregate Policy Gradients) method aims to overcome the limitations of traditional on-policy methods such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), which fail to ingest the benefits of massively parallel environments beyond a certain threshold.


Reinforcement learning methods are fundamentally sample inefficient. While on-policy RL methods, including policy gradients, tend to converge to higher asymptotic performance compared to off-policy methods, they are crippled by their inability to effectively use past experiences. This sample inefficiency is often a bottleneck, especially when attempting to leverage recent advances in GPU-based simulation which enable the collection of vast amounts of data. This paper addresses the issue of performance saturation in existing RL methods, such as PPO, when scaling to increasingly larger sample sizes.

SAPG Methodology

The SAPG algorithm addresses the inefficiencies by employing a divide-and-conquer strategy to leverage the full capacity of large-scale environments. The environments are split into chunks, and each chunk is managed by a separate policy. These separate policies, referred to as "followers," are optimized independently to enhance data diversity. Subsequently, the collected data from these individual policies are aggregated by a "leader" policy through an off-policy update mechanism, thus optimizing a more global objective.

The core innovation lies in using importance sampling to incorporate off-policy data while maintaining the stability and advantages of traditional on-policy methods. By splitting environments into blocks and combining their experiences using importance sampling, SAPG manages to address both the limitations of sample inefficiency and the diminishing returns seen in methods such as PPO.

Experimental Results

The SAPG method's performance was rigorously tested across various challenging manipulation environments, particularly those using dexterous hands and arms. These include hard tasks like Allegro Kuka Regrasping, Throw, and Reorientation, which require large-scale data for effective learning due to their complex interactions and high degrees of freedom (DoF).

Key results are:

  1. Allegro Kuka Regrasping: SAPG achieved a success rate of 35.7 compared to 31.9 by DexPBT, showcasing a significant performance boost.
  2. Throw and Reorientation: SAPG exhibited superior performance, achieving 23.7 and 38.6 successes respectively, compared to the baselines.
  3. Two Arms Reorientation: Here, SAPG outperformed the closest baseline by more than 100%, underlining its ability to leverage large-scale data effectively.
  4. Shadow Hand and Allegro Hand Reorientation: Although off-policy methods like PQL displayed better sample efficiency initially, SAPG reached higher asymptotic performance, with scores of 1.28e4 in Shadow Hand and 1.23e4 in Allegro Hand tasks.

Implications and Future Work

The development of SAPG has significant theoretical and practical implications. By efficiently utilizing large amounts of data and demonstrating scalability, SAPG sets the stage for its application in domains requiring high-level task performance, such as robotic manipulation in diverse real-world scenarios. The strong performance advantages suggest that this methodology could generalize to other continuous control tasks where traditional methods struggle with sample inefficiencies.

Future research directions could explore the further refinement of the off-policy update mechanism to balance on-policy and off-policy data optimally. Additionally, there's scope to examine the impact of various environmental complexities and the potential for specific task-dependent customizations to the SAPG framework. Another intriguing direction is the integration of more advanced exploration strategies, which could potentially further enhance the diversity and quality of the collected data, thus improving the overall learning efficiency.

In conclusion, the SAPG algorithm represents a substantial innovation in extending the capabilities of on-policy reinforcement learning to handle massively parallel environments, resulting in higher performance and more effective data utilization. This development could potentially revolutionize the training paradigms in simulated and real-world applications where extensive data is readily available.

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