Emergent Mind


Video diffusion models have made substantial progress in various video generation applications. However, training models for long video generation tasks require significant computational and data resources, posing a challenge to developing long video diffusion models. This paper investigates a straightforward and training-free approach to extend an existing short video diffusion model (e.g. pre-trained on 16-frame videos) for consistent long video generation (e.g. 128 frames). Our preliminary observation has found that directly applying the short video diffusion model to generate long videos can lead to severe video quality degradation. Further investigation reveals that this degradation is primarily due to the distortion of high-frequency components in long videos, characterized by a decrease in spatial high-frequency components and an increase in temporal high-frequency components. Motivated by this, we propose a novel solution named FreeLong to balance the frequency distribution of long video features during the denoising process. FreeLong blends the low-frequency components of global video features, which encapsulate the entire video sequence, with the high-frequency components of local video features that focus on shorter subsequences of frames. This approach maintains global consistency while incorporating diverse and high-quality spatiotemporal details from local videos, enhancing both the consistency and fidelity of long video generation. We evaluated FreeLong on multiple base video diffusion models and observed significant improvements. Additionally, our method supports coherent multi-prompt generation, ensuring both visual coherence and seamless transitions between scenes.

FreeLong enables high-fidelity video generation using SpectralBlend Temporal Attention to blend local and global features.


  • The paper introduces FreeLong, a training-free method for generating long videos by extending short video diffusion models and addressing high-frequency distortion issues during the denoising process.

  • Key to FreeLong is the SpectralBlend Temporal Attention (SpectralBlend-TA) mechanism, which decouples local and global attention, then blends their frequency components using 3D Fast Fourier Transforms.

  • Empirical evaluations demonstrate that FreeLong outperforms existing methods in terms of temporal consistency and video quality without requiring additional training, making it practical for real-world applications.

FreeLong: Training-Free Long Video Generation with SpectralBlend Temporal Attention

The paper "FreeLong: Training-Free Long Video Generation with SpectralBlend Temporal Attention" presents an innovative approach to address the challenge of generating long videos without requiring extensive retraining of video diffusion models. The primary contribution of this work is the introduction of a method, termed FreeLong, which extends existing short video diffusion models to generate long video sequences by efficiently balancing frequency components during the denoising process.

Preliminary Observations and Motivation

The authors commence by recognizing the substantial computational and data demands associated with training models specifically for long video generation. Directly applying short video diffusion models to longer video sequences results in significant degradation of video quality. This decline is attributed to a distortion in high-frequency components as the video length increases, comprising a decrease in spatial high-frequency components and an increase in temporal high-frequency components.

SpectralBlend Temporal Attention (SpectralBlend-TA)

The core innovation of the paper, FreeLong, hinges on the SpectralBlend Temporal Attention (SpectralBlend-TA) mechanism. This technique aims to address the identified frequency distortions by decoupling local and global attention before blending their frequency components. The high-level functionality can be summarized as follows:

Local-Global Attention Decoupling:

  • Local Attention: Local video features are computed by masking the temporal attention, allowing the model to focus on adjacent frame sequences and retain high-fidelity visual details.
  • Global Attention: Global video features encompass the entire video sequence, ensuring temporal coherence and narrative continuity.

Spectral Blending:

  • Employs a frequency filter to blend the low-frequency global video features with high-frequency local video features.
  • Utilizes 3D Fast Fourier Transforms (3D FFT) to operate the features in the frequency domain, followed by Inverse FFT to transform them back to the time domain for subsequent video generation.

Empirical Evaluation

The authors conducted extensive evaluations using two pre-trained short video diffusion models, LaVie and VideoCrafter, applying FreeLong to extend their frames from 16 to 128. The key metrics used for evaluation included subject consistency, background consistency, motion smoothness, temporal flickering, and imaging quality.


FreeLong consistently outperformed alternative methods in terms of maintaining high temporal consistency and video fidelity without any additional training. Notably, it displayed superior performance in metrics such as subject consistency (95.16 vs. 92.30 for the next best method) and imaging quality (67.55 vs. 67.14). Furthermore, it managed to achieve these results with a competitive inference time, showcasing its practical viability for real-world applications.

Implications and Future Directions

The introduction of FreeLong represents a significant step forward in the efficient generation of long videos from short video models. The technique's ability to balance global and local features ensures that it can produce videos with coherent narrative flow and high-quality frames, addressing critical limitations of prior methods.

Practical Implications:

  • Content Creation: Enables creators to generate long-form content seamlessly, reducing the need for extensive computational resources.
  • Efficiency: Demonstrates a practical pathway for leveraging existing models, thus bypassing the significant overhead associated with retraining on long video datasets.

Theoretical Implications:

  • Frequency Domain Analysis: Highlights the importance of frequency component analysis in understanding and improving model performance.
  • Attention Mechanisms: Underlines the potential of advanced attention mechanisms like SpectralBlend-TA in enhancing model capabilities.

Speculations on Future Developments:

  • Future research could delve into adapting this approach for diverse domains, such as real-time video generation or interactive video applications.
  • The integration of this method with other advanced generative techniques, possibly combining GANs and diffusion models, could open new avenues for improving video synthesis quality and versatility.
  • Further exploration of multi-modal integration, incorporating text, audio, and even sensor data, could bolster the adaptability and utility of video generation models in a broader context.

In conclusion, FreeLong presents a robust framework for overcoming the computational and data hurdles of long video generation, setting a foundation for future advancements in the field of video diffusion models.

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