Emergent Mind

Neural Control Barrier Functions for Safe Navigation

Published Jul 29, 2024 in cs.RO


Autonomous robot navigation can be particularly demanding, especially when the surrounding environment is not known and safety of the robot is crucial. This work relates to the synthesis of Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) through data for safe navigation in unknown environments. A novel methodology to jointly learn CBFs and corresponding safe controllers, in simulation, inspired by the State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) is proposed. The CBF is used to obtain admissible commands from any nominal, possibly unsafe controller. An approach to apply the CBF inside a safety filter without the need for a consistent map or position estimate is developed. Subsequently, the resulting reactive safety filter is deployed on a multirotor platform integrating a LiDAR sensor both in simulation and real-world experiments.

Network architecture for jointly training a safety controller and Control Barrier Function (CBF).


  • The paper introduces a method for autonomous robot navigation in unknown environments using learnt Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) and State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) control to ensure safety without the need for a consistent map or precise localization.

  • Neural networks parameterize CBFs based on robot states and exteroceptive observations like LiDAR scans. The study details a network that produces safe control commands and enforces safety constraints in real-time to prevent collisions.

  • Extensive simulations and real-world experiments with a quadrotor demonstrate the methodology's effectiveness, achieving high collision avoidance success rates and robust performance in dynamic and cluttered environments.

Neural Control Barrier Functions for Safe Navigation


The objective of the paper "Neural Control Barrier Functions for Safe Navigation" by Marvin Harms et al. is to address the challenge of autonomous robot navigation in unknown environments with a particular focus on ensuring safety. This research introduces a methodology that leverages Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) synthesized through data and inspired by State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) control. The proposed approach is tailored for high-order aerial robotic systems, utilizing deep learning models to jointly learn CBFs and corresponding safe controllers. The main contribution lies in the deployment of these learned CBFs in a reactive safety filter, operational without the need for a consistent map or precise localization, which is particularly advantageous in dynamic and cluttered environments.


The paper develops a novel framework where CBFs are defined as functions of both the state of the robot and exteroceptive observations (such as LiDAR scans), which are parameterized through neural networks. The objective is to create a safety filter using CBFs that ensure the robot remains within a safe set, despite any potentially unsafe nominal control commands it receives.

Neural Network Architecture

The authors implement a network topology where observations and states are processed through a latent network, producing a latent variable that is then used by both a controller network and a CBF network. The controller network generates safe control commands, while the CBF network computes the value of the CBF. The combined outputs are used to enforce safety constraints in the optimization problem that the safety filter solves.

Training and Validation

Training is executed entirely in simulation using data collected from a purely synthetic environment with randomized obstacle placements. The network is evaluated on its ability to satisfy key safety constraints: maintaining the CBF condition, ensuring control input limits, and validating the forward invariance of the safe set. Notably, the methodology avoids the dependency on a prior safe state or stabilization controller, which are commonly required in other approaches for learning CBFs.

Experimental Validation

Simulation Studies

The performance of the proposed safety filter is verified through extensive randomized simulations where a simulated quadrotor must avoid collisions within a cluttered environment, despite receiving unsafe acceleration commands. The success rates demonstrate the effectiveness of the safety filter across various scenarios, including the presence of sensor noise and system delays.

Real-world Experiments

The approach is evaluated in two experimental scenarios using an actual quadrotor robot. In an indoor hallway setting, the safety filter successfully navigates the drone through narrow passages and stops it in front of obstacles, even when commanded with unsafe accelerations. In a forest environment, the filter prevents collisions with natural obstacles like trees and shrubs, while the quadrotor operates under adversarial conditions set by a human operator.

Numerical Results

Key numerical results include:

  • A collision avoidance success rate of 97% to 99.7% in simulation, depending on the precise conditions of noise and obstacle density.
  • Real-world experiments demonstrated that the safety filter operated effectively, preventing collisions and maintaining the quadrotor within the safe set defined by the learned CBF.

Implications and Future Work

The practicality of the approach lies in its ability to ensure the safety of robotic platforms in unknown environments without requiring detailed maps or precise localization. This significantly reduces the computational overhead and allows for robust operation in real-world conditions where sensor inputs are noisy or uncertain. The theory backing the proposed methodology, based on SDRE, provides a strong foundation for constructing CBFs that are inherently safe and scalable to high-dimensional systems.

Future research could focus on:

  • Extending this methodology to other robotic systems beyond aerial drones.
  • Enhancing the learning framework to incorporate real-time adaptation, allowing the system to improve its navigation policies based on in-situ data.
  • Integrating this approach with other advanced control strategies like Model Predictive Control (MPC) to possibly boost performance.
  • Exploring the limitations and behavior of the safety filters under different dynamic environmental conditions or with different types of sensors.


Harms et al. have presented a significant step forward in the field of autonomous navigation with their methodology for learning control barrier functions via neural networks. Their work demonstrates how theoretical insights, when combined with deep learning, can lead to practical and safety-assured autonomous systems capable of navigating complex, unknown environments. This research not only contributes to the safe operation of autonomous robots but also opens avenues for further exploration and potential improvements in the domain of safe robot control.

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