Emergent Mind


Recent 3D large reconstruction models typically employ a two-stage process, including first generate multi-view images by a multi-view diffusion model, and then utilize a feed-forward model to reconstruct images to 3D content.However, multi-view diffusion models often produce low-quality and inconsistent images, adversely affecting the quality of the final 3D reconstruction. To address this issue, we propose a unified 3D generation framework called Cycle3D, which cyclically utilizes a 2D diffusion-based generation module and a feed-forward 3D reconstruction module during the multi-step diffusion process. Concretely, 2D diffusion model is applied for generating high-quality texture, and the reconstruction model guarantees multi-view consistency.Moreover, 2D diffusion model can further control the generated content and inject reference-view information for unseen views, thereby enhancing the diversity and texture consistency of 3D generation during the denoising process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior ability of our method to create 3D content with high-quality and consistency compared with state-of-the-art baselines.

Addressing geometric artifacts and blurry textures in large-scale reconstruction with Cycle3D's 2D diffusion and reconstruction enhancements.


  • Tang et al. introduce Cycle3D, a unified framework that improves image-to-3D generation by cyclically integrating a 2D diffusion model and a feed-forward 3D reconstruction model.

  • The methodology leverages the high-quality image generation of 2D diffusion models and the 3D consistency of reconstruction modules, using multi-step diffusion and real-time correction techniques.

  • Experimental results demonstrate that Cycle3D significantly outperforms existing methods in various metrics, showing its potential for practical applications in fields requiring high-quality 3D assets such as gaming and virtual reality.

Cycle3D: High-quality and Consistent Image-to-3D Generation via Generation-Reconstruction Cycle

In "Cycle3D: High-quality and Consistent Image-to-3D Generation via Generation-Reconstruction Cycle", Tang et al. present a unified framework, Cycle3D, that addresses issues in existing methods for 3D reconstruction from single images. They leverage cyclic utilization of a 2D diffusion-based generation model and a feed-forward 3D reconstruction module within a multi-step diffusion process, improving both the quality and consistency of the final 3D output.

Existing approaches for 3D content generation often suffer from low quality and inconsistency due to limitations in multi-view diffusion models that produce subpar images, which adversely affect the subsequent 3D reconstruction stages. Tang et al. propose Cycle3D to mitigate these shortcomings through several key innovations:

  1. Unified Framework: By integrating a 2D diffusion model with a 3D reconstruction model in a cyclic manner, Cycle3D ensures that the 2D diffusion model generates high-quality textures, while the 3D reconstruction model guarantees multi-view consistency.
  2. Enhanced Diffusion Process: The 2D diffusion model can incorporate reference-view information into unseen views during the denoising process, thus enhancing texture consistency and diversity.
  3. Feature Interaction: The reconstruction model interacts with features from the 2D diffusion model, thereby enhancing the reconstruction quality through additional layers that enable zero-initialized projection of 2D diffusion model features.


The proposed methodology is constructed on two key insights: the exceptional high-quality image generation capabilities of pre-trained 2D diffusion models, and the essential role of 3D consistency provided by the reconstruction module. Cycle3D operates in the following manner:

  1. Initialization: Multi-view images generated by a pre-trained multi-view diffusion model are inverted to noise using the DDIM scheduler.
  2. Denoising with Quality Enhancement: The 2D diffusion model progressively refines these images, enhancing their quality during the denoising steps.
  3. 3D Reconstruction and Correction: The reconstruction model predicts Gaussian splatting parameters for 3D content, which are then used in a real-time Gaussian splatting renderer to iteratively correct inconsistencies between views.
  4. Cyclic Update: The Cycle3D framework uses the reconstructed 3D view to iteratively resample and update the input for the next denoising step, ensuring both multi-view consistency and high image quality.

The training of this model involves optimizing the combination of 2D diffusion and 3D reconstruction capabilities using a carefully designed loss function that considers pixel-wise reconstruction accuracy and perceptual consistency.

Experimental Evaluation

The authors conducted a thorough evaluation using both synthetic and real-world datasets. Notably, Cycle3D significantly outperformed state-of-the-art baselines in terms of PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS, CLIP-Similarity, and Contextual-Distance metrics. These evaluations indicate that Cycle3D not only excels at achieving higher-quality textures but also ensures consistent and cohesive 3D reconstructions. Tang et al. provided extensive qualitative comparisons to illustrate the superior rendering quality and fidelity of their method across diverse and complex scenes.


The practical implications of Cycle3D are vast, particularly in fields that require high-quality and consistent 3D assets such as robotics, gaming, architecture, and virtual reality. By reducing the reliance on manual labor and complex software for 3D content creation, Cycle3D favors more efficient and scalable asset generation. Theoretically, this framework sets a precedent for integrating multi-stage learning processes, highlighting the potential of cyclic frameworks in future machine learning applications.

Future Work

Tang et al. acknowledge that Cycle3D is limited to object-level 3D generation due to the lack of large-scale 3D scene datasets. Future developments in this line of research could explore the adaptation and application of Cycle3D to more complex scene-level 3D generation as more comprehensive datasets become available. Additionally, further optimization in interaction mechanisms between 2D and 3D modules could yield even finer levels of detail and consistency.

In conclusion, the research by Tang et al. represents a meaningful advancement in the field of image-to-3D generation, underscored by its superior performance in both qualitative and quantitative measures. Despite certain limitations, Cycle3D has significant potential for both practical applications and theoretical exploration in 3D computer vision.

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