Emergent Mind


With the rapid development of Text-to-Image models, biases in human image generation against demographic groups social attract more and more concerns. Existing methods are designed based on certain models with fixed prompts, unable to accommodate the trend of high-speed updating of Text-to-Image (T2I) models and variable prompts in practical scenes. Additionally, they fail to consider the possibility of hallucinations, leading to deviations between expected and actual results. To address this issue, we introduce VersusDebias, a novel and universal debiasing framework for biases in T2I models, consisting of one generative adversarial mechanism (GAM) and one debiasing generation mechanism using a small language model (SLM). The self-adaptive GAM generates specialized attribute arrays for each prompts for diminishing the influence of hallucinations from T2I models. The SLM uses prompt engineering to generate debiased prompts for the T2I model, providing zero-shot debiasing ability and custom optimization for different models. Extensive experiments demonstrate VersusDebias's capability to rectify biases on arbitrary models across multiple protected attributes simultaneously, including gender, race, and age. Furthermore, VersusDebias outperforms existing methods in both zero-shot and few-shot situations, illustrating its extraordinary utility. Our work is openly accessible to the research community to ensure the reproducibility.

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