Emergent Mind


In this work, we investigate a quasilinear subdiffusion model which involves a fractional derivative of order $\alpha \in (0,1)$ in time and a nonlinear diffusion coefficient. First, using smoothing properties of solution operators for linear subdiffusion and a perturbation argument, we prove several pointwise-in-time regularity estimates that are useful for numerical analysis. Then we develop a high-order time stepping scheme for solving quasilinear subdiffusion, based on convolution quadrature generated by second-order backward differentiation formula with correction at the first step. Further, we establish that the convergence order of the scheme is $O(\tau{1+\alpha-\epsilon})$ without imposing any additional assumption on the regularity of the solution. The analysis relies on refined Sobolev regularity of the nonlinear perturbation remainder and smoothing properties of discrete solution operators. Several numerical experiments in two space dimensions show the sharpness of the error estimate.

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