Emergent Mind


Urban-level three-dimensional reconstruction for modern applications demands high rendering fidelity while minimizing computational costs. The advent of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has enhanced 3D reconstruction, yet it exhibits artifacts under multiple viewpoints. In this paper, we propose a new NeRF framework method to address these issues. Our method uses image content and pose data to iteratively plan the next best view. A crucial aspect of this method involves uncertainty estimation, guiding the selection of views with maximum information gain from a candidate set. This iterative process enhances rendering quality over time. Simultaneously, we introduce the Vonoroi diagram and threshold sampling together with flight classifier to boost the efficiency, while keep the original NeRF network intact. It can serve as a plug-in tool to assist in better rendering, outperforming baselines and similar prior works.


  • The IOVS4NeRF framework enhances the efficiency and quality of large-scale 3D scene reconstructions using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) by addressing computational challenges and artifacts encountered with traditional NeRF implementations.

  • Key innovations include hybrid-uncertainty estimation for iterative view selection, a Voronoi-based approach for assessing positional uncertainty, and an improved NeRF architecture utilizing Instant-NGP for advanced volumetric rendering and lightweight network structures.

  • Experimental results on various UAV-captured datasets demonstrate significant improvements in rendering quality and computational efficiency, with implications for applications like urban planning, autonomous navigation, and digital heritage preservation.

Incremental Optimal View Selection for Large-Scale Neural Radiance Fields

The paper "IOVS4NeRF: Incremental Optimal View Selection for Large-Scale NeRFs" introduces a novel framework aimed at enhancing the efficiency and quality of large-scale 3D scene reconstructions using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). The proposed method, IOVS4NeRF, addresses notable challenges, including computational resources and artifacts under multiple viewpoints commonly associated with traditional NeRF implementations.

Principal Contributions

The major innovations presented in this paper can be summarized as follows:

  1. Hybrid-Uncertainty Estimation: The framework integrates both rendering and positional uncertainties to guide the inclusion of new views iteratively. This hybrid uncertainty allows for optimal view selection, enhancing the scene representation incrementally.
  2. Incremental View Selection: The IOVS4NeRF framework iteratively selects views to maximize information gain, balancing between rendering fidelity and computational efficiency. The iterative process aims to refine the overall quality of the reconstruction with minimal resources.
  3. Voronoi-Based Positional Uncertainty: A Voronoi diagram-based approach is used to assess positional uncertainty. This method is adaptable to both planar and non-planar flight trajectories captured by UAVs, thereby improving the generalization capability of the framework.
  4. Improved NeRF Architecture: To mitigate the computational drawbacks of standard NeRFs, the paper utilizes Instant-NGP as an assisting tool, which incorporates advanced volumetric rendering techniques and lightweight network architectures.


The methodological framework of IOVS4NeRF can be broken down into three critical stages:

  1. Initialization: A random subset of the dataset is used to initialize the NeRF model.
  2. Uncertainty Estimation: For each iteration, the framework evaluates rendering uncertainty using a modified NeRF that processes five-dimensional coordinates to produce color and density estimates. Positional uncertainty is evaluated using Voronoi diagram approaches to distinguish between planar and non-planar flight trajectories. The combination of these uncertainties forms the hybrid-uncertainty metric.
  3. Incremental View Selection: Images with the highest hybrid-uncertainty are iteratively added to the training set. This iterative process continues until a satisfactory reconstruction quality is achieved or a predetermined limit on the number of selected views is met.

Experimental Evaluation

The experiments, conducted on several publicly available UAV-captured datasets (including Mill19-Building, Mill19-Rubble, and UrbanScene3D-Polytech), demonstrate the superiority of IOVS4NeRF compared to baselines and state-of-the-art methods. Key quantitative metrics such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), and Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) are utilized to assess novel view synthesis quality.

The results show significant improvements in both rendering quality and computational efficiency. For example, on the Mill19-Building dataset, IOVS4NeRF achieved a PSNR of 19.841, outperforming methods like CF-NeRF and ActiveNeRF, which received PSNR scores of 14.926 and 12.430, respectively.

Implications and Future Work

The implications of this research are multifaceted. Practically, IOVS4NeRF presents an efficient solution for large-scale 3D reconstruction tasks, applicable in urban planning, autonomous navigation, and digital heritage preservation. The method's integration of hybrid-uncertainty for view selection ensures that high-fidelity models can be built with constrained computational resources.

Theoretically, this work lays the foundation for future research in uncertainty-aware neural rendering. The approach underscores the potential for hybrid uncertainty to guide data acquisition in neural networks, opening avenues for further exploration in enhancing the robustness and efficiency of neural volume rendering frameworks.

Future developments could focus on refining the hybrid-uncertainty computation to better handle high-dimensional datasets and complex scenes. Furthermore, leveraging advancements in hardware acceleration and parallel processing could enhance the scalability and real-time processing capabilities of NeRF constructions.


The paper "IOVS4NeRF: Incremental Optimal View Selection for Large-Scale NeRFs" presents substantial advancements in the domain of 3D scene reconstruction using neural radiance fields. By introducing a hybrid-uncertainty guided view selection process and integrating Voronoi-based positional uncertainty, this framework achieves superior reconstruction quality and efficiency. The implications for practical applications and future theoretical developments make this research a significant contribution to the field of neural rendering and 3D modeling.

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