Emergent Mind

Self-Directed Synthetic Dialogues and Revisions Technical Report

Published Jul 25, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.LG


Synthetic data has become an important tool in the fine-tuning of language models to follow instructions and solve complex problems. Nevertheless, the majority of open data to date is often lacking multi-turn data and collected on closed models, limiting progress on advancing open fine-tuning methods. We introduce Self Directed Synthetic Dialogues (SDSD), an experimental dataset consisting of guided conversations of language models talking to themselves. The dataset consists of multi-turn conversations generated with DBRX, Llama 2 70B, and Mistral Large, all instructed to follow a conversation plan generated prior to the conversation. We also explore including principles from Constitutional AI and other related works to create synthetic preference data via revisions to the final conversation turn. We hope this work encourages further exploration in multi-turn data and the use of open models for expanding the impact of synthetic data.

Process of generating dialogues using Self Directed Synthetic Dialogues, including violation detection and critique-based correction.


  • The paper introduces Self-Directed Synthetic Dialogues (SDSD), a procedurally-generated dataset essential for training language models (LMs) in handling complex multi-turn interactions.

  • It integrates principles from Constitutional AI to ensure dialogues are ethical, with GPT-4 used for refining responses to align with ethical standards.

  • The authors employ advanced open-source models to generate stable dialogues and demonstrate the dataset's potential for enhancing long-form interaction modeling in practical applications.

Analyzing the Potential of Self-Directed Synthetic Dialogues (SDSD) in Long-Form Language Model Fine-Tuning

The technical report "Self-Directed Synthetic Dialogues and Revisions" by Nathan Lambert and colleagues addresses a critical limitation in the development of fine-tuning methods for language models (LMs) using synthetic data. The authors introduce Self-Directed Synthetic Dialogues (SDSD), a procedurally-generated dataset that consists of multi-turn conversational data, which is essential for training models to handle more complex and prolonged interactions. This dataset is particularly pertinent as it leverages open-source models and integrates principles from Constitutional AI, a methodology aimed at maintaining model helpfulness and ethical behavior by creating synthetic preference data through conversational revisions.

Core Contributions

The paper's main contributions are as follows:

  1. Synthetic Multi-Turn Data Generation:

    • The dataset, SDSD, comprises guided conversations where LMs generate dialogues with themselves. This data includes multiple dialogue turns, addressing the scarcity of multi-turn data in existing open datasets.
    • Conversations are initiated based on a conversation plan, which stipulates topics, goals, and principles to be considered during the interaction.
  2. Integration of Constitutional AI Principles:

    • The dataset includes principles from Constitutional AI to ensure that dialogues remain ethical and responsible. Principles from sources such as Anthropic's research, Claude's, and Google DeepMind's Sparrow are incorporated.
    • The authors used GPT-4 to critique and refine the last turns in the dialogues, ensuring each response aligns with specified principles, resulting in a revision-based preference dataset (SDSD-R).
  3. Utilization of Open Models:

    • The authors employ advanced open-source models like DBRX, Llama 2 70B, and Mistral Large for data generation. Despite some limitations in these models' ability to self-critique, they successfully produce stable and relevant conversational data through careful planning and critique integration.

Data Generation Process

The SDSD data collection involves several critical phases:

  1. Planning:

    • Topics and subtopics for the dialogues were taken from prior research, ensuring diversity.
    • Goals directed the conversational trajectories, while principles ensured adherence to ethical guidelines.
  2. Dialogue Generation:

    • The LM generates a conversation plan, which acts as the system prompt.
    • The dialogue proceeds until either the conversation plan is fulfilled or a principle violation occurs, triggering a conversation end and revision.
  3. Principle Violations and Revisions:

    • Upon detecting a violation, a critique is generated using GPT-4, and the final turn of the dialogue is revised to align better with the specified principles.
    • Approximately 25-35% of dialogues originally included principle violations, necessitating further refinement.

Dataset and Results

The dataset comparison indicates that SDSD provides a higher average number of turns per conversation relative to existing datasets, highlighting its utility for long-form interaction modeling. Specifically:

  • Dialogue Data: Consists of 107,683 samples, with models like Llama generating up to 5.6 turns per conversation on average, showcasing the potential for richer interactions.
  • Revisions Dataset (SDSD-R): Contains over 37,952 preference data points, emphasizing the detailed revision process through critique and subsequent iteration.

Implications and Future Work

The implications of this work are profound for both theoretical and practical domains within AI:

  1. Theoretical:

    • By addressing multi-turn conversation generation, this research advances our understanding of dialogue coherence and context maintenance in LMs.
    • The integration of ethical principles into conversational AI aligns with ongoing discussions in AI ethics, pushing for more responsible AI systems.
  2. Practical:

    • The SDSD dataset can enhance the performance of open models in real-world applications requiring prolonged and coherent interactions, such as customer service or educational tools.
    • Future developments may incorporate the full use of stronger open models like Nemotron and Llama-3 for more robust self-critiques and revisions.


Lambert et al.'s work on Self-Directed Synthetic Dialogues marks a significant step towards more sophisticated and ethical fine-tuning practices for language models. By creating robust multi-turn data and integrating principles from Constitutional AI, this research addresses key gaps in the synthetic data landscape, paving the way for more resilient, coherent, and ethical conversational AI systems. Further research should delve into refining the data generation processes and expanding the utility of such datasets in broader AI applications.

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