Emergent Mind

Phase transition in a kinetic mean-field game model of inertial self-propelled agents

Published Jul 25, 2024 in math.OC , cs.SY , eess.SY , math.AP , math.DS , and nlin.AO


The framework of Mean-field Games (MFGs) is used for modelling the collective dynamics of large populations of non-cooperative decision-making agents. We formulate and analyze a kinetic MFG model for an interacting system of non-cooperative motile agents with inertial dynamics and finite-range interactions, where each agent is minimizing a biologically inspired cost function. By analyzing the associated coupled forward-backward in time system of nonlinear Fokker-Planck and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, we obtain conditions for closed-loop linear stability of the spatially homogeneous MFG equilibrium that corresponds to an ordered state with non-zero mean speed. Using a combination of analysis and numerical simulations, we show that when energetic cost of control is reduced below a critical value, this equilibrium loses stability, and the system transitions to a travelling wave solution. Our work provides a game-theoretic perspective to the problem of collective motion in non-equilibrium biological and bio-inspired systems.

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