Emergent Mind

LoRA-Pro: Are Low-Rank Adapters Properly Optimized?

Published Jul 25, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.CL


Low-Rank Adaptation, also known as LoRA, has emerged as a prominent method for parameter-efficient fine-tuning foundation models by re-parameterizing the original matrix into the product of two low-rank matrices. Despite its efficiency, LoRA often yields inferior performance compared to full fine-tuning. In this paper, we propose LoRA-Pro to bridge this performance gap. Firstly, we delve into the optimization processes in LoRA and full fine-tuning. We reveal that while LoRA employs low-rank approximation, it neglects to approximate the optimization process of full fine-tuning. To address this, we introduce a novel concept called the "equivalent gradient." This virtual gradient makes the optimization process on the re-parameterized matrix equivalent to LoRA, which can be used to quantify the differences between LoRA and full fine-tuning. The equivalent gradient is derived from the gradients of matrices $A$ and $B$. To narrow the performance gap, our approach minimizes the differences between the equivalent gradient and the gradient obtained from full fine-tuning during the optimization process. By solving this objective, we derive optimal closed-form solutions for updating matrices $A$ and $B$. Our method constrains the optimization process, shrinking the performance gap between LoRA and full fine-tuning. Extensive experiments on natural language processing tasks validate the effectiveness of our method.


  • The paper introduces LoRA-Pro, an innovative approach that addresses performance discrepancies between Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and full fine-tuning in parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT).

  • By defining a novel concept called 'equivalent gradient,' the authors present a method that better aligns the optimization dynamics of LoRA with those of full fine-tuning, leading to improved performance.

  • Extensive experiments on NLP tasks using the T5-base model demonstrate that LoRA-Pro significantly narrows the performance gap between LoRA and full fine-tuning, showing notable improvements over standard LoRA.

LoRA-Pro: Are Low-Rank Adapters Properly Optimized?


The paper LoRA-Pro: Are Low-Rank Adapters Properly Optimized? introduces a novel approach called LoRA-Pro, aimed at addressing the inherent performance discrepancies between Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and full fine-tuning in the context of parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) of foundational models. By delving into the optimization dynamics, the authors identify a critical gap in the existing LoRA methodology and propose a solution involving the concept of "equivalent gradient." This innovative approach ensures that the optimization processes of re-parameterized matrices under LoRA more closely mimic those of full fine-tuning, thereby improving performance.


Foundational models have revolutionized the field of deep learning, demonstrating remarkable generalization capabilities through extensive pre-training on large datasets. However, the sheer number of parameters in these models presents significant challenges when it comes to fine-tuning for specific downstream tasks. To circumvent the prohibitive computational costs, researchers have increasingly gravitated towards PEFT methods such as LoRA, which notably reduces the number of trainable parameters by re-parameterizing the weight updates as low-rank matrices.

LoRA and Its Limitations

LoRA leverages the insight that weight changes in large models typically reside in a low-dimensional subspace. It re-parameterizes these changes using two low-rank matrices (A) and (B), drastically reducing the number of trainable parameters. However, despite its efficiency, LoRA often falls short when compared to full fine-tuning in terms of performance. This paper identifies a key reason for this discrepancy: LoRA's failure to approximate the optimization dynamics of full fine-tuning.

Proposing LoRA-Pro: Methodology

The paper introduces a novel concept termed the "equivalent gradient," which is essential for understanding the optimization nuances in both LoRA and full fine-tuning. By defining the equivalent gradient as a composite of the gradients of the low-rank matrices (A) and (B), the authors quantify the differences between the optimization processes of LoRA and full fine-tuning.

To optimize the matrices (A) and (B), the paper formulates an objective function that minimizes the discrepancy between the equivalent gradient under LoRA and the gradient obtained from full fine-tuning. The resulting optimization problem yields a closed-form solution that ensures the equivalent gradient follows the optimization trajectory of full fine-tuning.

Theoretical Insights

Two key theorems are presented to justify the effectiveness of the proposed approach:

  1. Theorem 1 provides the closed-form solutions for updating matrices (A) and (B), showing that these solutions depend on the gradients observed in standard LoRA.
  2. Theorem 2 guarantees the convergence of the optimization process, demonstrating that the proposed updates for (A) and (B) consistently lead to a reduction in the loss function.

Moreover, Theorem 3 addresses the selection of the matrix (X) used in the closed-form solutions, ensuring that (X) is chosen to maintain the gradients of the low-rank matrices as close as possible to those of standard LoRA.

Experimental Results

The paper validates the proposed method through extensive experiments on NLP tasks using the T5-base model. The datasets include a subset of the GLUE benchmark, which provides a comprehensive assessment across various NLP tasks. Compared to standard LoRA and its variants, LoRA-Pro consistently achieves higher average scores, significantly narrowing the performance gap with full fine-tuning. Specifically, LoRA-Pro shows an improvement margin of 6.72 points on average over five datasets compared to standard LoRA.

Implications and Future Work

The implications of this research are multifaceted. Practically, LoRA-Pro offers a more effective fine-tuning strategy for large-scale models, making it feasible to deploy these models in resource-constrained environments without sacrificing performance. Theoretically, the concept of equivalent gradients introduces a new dimension to the understanding of optimization dynamics in re-parameterized models.

Future developments may involve adapting the equivalent gradient concept to other PEFT methods or exploring its potential in different machine learning paradigms. Additionally, further research could investigate the integration of LoRA-Pro with advanced optimization techniques beyond SGD and AdamW, potentially enhancing its robustness and efficacy across various applications.


In conclusion, the paper LoRA-Pro: Are Low-Rank Adapters Properly Optimized? introduces a robust framework that bridges the gap between LoRA and full fine-tuning. By focusing on optimizing the equivalent gradient, LoRA-Pro aligns the optimization processes of low-rank matrices with those of full fine-tuning, resulting in significant performance improvements. Through rigorous theoretical formulations and extensive experimental validations, this research underscores the importance of optimizing not just the approximation of weight updates but the entire optimization trajectory in PEFT methods.

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