Emergent Mind

Doubly Robust Conditional Independence Testing with Generative Neural Networks

Published Jul 25, 2024 in stat.ME and stat.ML


This article addresses the problem of testing the conditional independence of two generic random vectors $X$ and $Y$ given a third random vector $Z$, which plays an important role in statistical and machine learning applications. We propose a new non-parametric testing procedure that avoids explicitly estimating any conditional distributions but instead requires sampling from the two marginal conditional distributions of $X$ given $Z$ and $Y$ given $Z$. We further propose using a generative neural network (GNN) framework to sample from these approximated marginal conditional distributions, which tends to mitigate the curse of dimensionality due to its adaptivity to any low-dimensional structures and smoothness underlying the data. Theoretically, our test statistic is shown to enjoy a doubly robust property against GNN approximation errors, meaning that the test statistic retains all desirable properties of the oracle test statistic utilizing the true marginal conditional distributions, as long as the product of the two approximation errors decays to zero faster than the parametric rate. Asymptotic properties of our statistic and the consistency of a bootstrap procedure are derived under both null and local alternatives. Extensive numerical experiments and real data analysis illustrate the effectiveness and broad applicability of our proposed test.

Median p-values and interquartile ranges for AE, average pooling, and PCA.


  • The paper introduces a new non-parametric testing procedure for assessing conditional independence (CI) between random vectors using generative neural networks (GNNs) to mitigate the curse of dimensionality.

  • The methodology relies on the doubly robust property against GNN approximation errors, ensuring robust performance even with inaccuracies in estimating conditional distributions.

  • The authors propose the MMDCI measure, use sample splitting and cross-fitting techniques, and employ wild bootstrap calibration to maintain test accuracy and size, demonstrating superior performance in simulations and real data applications.

An Overview of "Doubly Robust Conditional Independence Testing with Generative Neural Networks"

Conditional independence (CI) testing is a fundamental problem in statistics and machine learning, with applications spanning causal inference, graphical model determination, and dimension reduction. This paper, authored by Yi Zhang, Linjun Huang, Yun Yang, and Xiaofeng Shao, focuses on improving the efficacy and robustness of CI testing by introducing a framework that leverages generative neural networks (GNNs).

Conditional Independence Testing Framework

The crux of the paper is to propose a new non-parametric testing procedure for assessing whether two generic random vectors, (X) and (Y), are conditionally independent given a third vector (Z). Traditional methods often struggle with high-dimensional data due to the curse of dimensionality. To address this, the authors avoid explicitly estimating conditional distributions. Instead, they propose a method centered on sampling from the marginal conditional distributions of (X) given (Z) and (Y) given (Z).

Generative Neural Networks Application

The paper utilizes a GNN framework to approximate these conditional distributions. GNNs, known for their capacity to generate high-quality samples by adapting to underlying low-dimensional structures, significantly mitigate the curse of dimensionality. This adaptiveness is pivotal, especially when (Z) represents complex high-dimensional objects such as images or text.

Doubly Robust Property

A key innovation of the proposed method is its doubly robust property against GNN approximation errors. Doubly robust means that the test statistic will maintain the properties of the oracle test statistic (which uses the true marginal conditional distributions) as long as the product of the two approximation errors decays faster than the parametric rate. This robustness makes the test less sensitive to slow convergence rates typical of non-parametric methods, thus providing a safeguard against inaccuracies in conditional distribution estimation.

Methodological Contributions

  1. MMDCI Measure: The Maximum Mean Discrepancy-based Conditional Independence (MMDCI) measure is proposed. This measure is easy to compute and depends only on the joint distribution (P_{XYZ}).
  2. Sample Splitting and Cross-Fitting: To improve the accuracy of conditional distribution estimation, the authors employ sample splitting and cross-fitting techniques. This approach ensures that the training samples used to estimate the conditional mean embeddings are independent of the samples used for hypothesis testing.
  3. Wild Bootstrap Calibration: Given the non-pivotal limiting distribution of the test statistic, the authors adopt a wild bootstrap procedure for size calibration. This ensures that the test retains its nominal size even under complex dependence structures.

Theoretical and Empirical Validation

The theoretical contributions of the paper are substantial. The authors derive the asymptotic properties of their test statistic under both the null hypothesis and local alternatives. They prove that their method achieves the correct size asymptotically and demonstrate the consistency of the bootstrap procedure. Furthermore, they establish that the test retains non-trivial power against alternatives that approach the null hypothesis at a (n{-1/2}) rate.

In their extensive simulation studies, the proposed method shows superior performance in comparison to existing tests, especially under scenarios with high-dimensional conditioning variables. The empirical size is close to the nominal level, and the size-adjusted power outperforms state-of-the-art methods. The real data applications on the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia dataset and the MNIST dataset further illustrate the method’s broad applicability and effectiveness. For instance, the test accurately identifies genetic mutations related to drug response, even when traditional methods fail.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The implications of this research are multifaceted. Practically, the methodology is pertinent for domains that routinely deal with high-dimensional data, such as genomics and image processing. Theoretically, the introduction of the doubly robust property in CI testing sets a new standard for robustness and reliability. It opens avenues for further exploration into testing conditional dependencies involving multiple random variables and potential extensions to testing conditional mean or quantile independence.

Future Developments

The promising results and robust theoretical foundation suggest several future research directions. Potential developments include applying the proposed framework to time-series model specification tests and exploring its utility in high-dimensional nonlinear dimension reduction techniques. These extensions could significantly impact areas such as economic modeling and climate data analysis.

In conclusion, this paper presents a substantially improved method for conditional independence testing. By ingeniously integrating GNNs and establishing a doubly robust framework, the authors make a critical contribution to the field of non-parametric statistical testing, poised to influence both theoretical research and practical applications in high-dimensional data analysis.

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