Emergent Mind

Transformers on Markov Data: Constant Depth Suffices

Published Jul 25, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.CL , cs.IT , math.IT , and stat.ML


Attention-based transformers have been remarkably successful at modeling generative processes across various domains and modalities. In this paper, we study the behavior of transformers on data drawn from \kth Markov processes, where the conditional distribution of the next symbol in a sequence depends on the previous $k$ symbols observed. We observe a surprising phenomenon empirically which contradicts previous findings: when trained for sufficiently long, a transformer with a fixed depth and $1$ head per layer is able to achieve low test loss on sequences drawn from \kth Markov sources, even as $k$ grows. Furthermore, this low test loss is achieved by the transformer's ability to represent and learn the in-context conditional empirical distribution. On the theoretical side, our main result is that a transformer with a single head and three layers can represent the in-context conditional empirical distribution for \kth Markov sources, concurring with our empirical observations. Along the way, we prove that \textit{attention-only} transformers with $O(\log_2(k))$ layers can represent the in-context conditional empirical distribution by composing induction heads to track the previous $k$ symbols in the sequence. These results provide more insight into our current understanding of the mechanisms by which transformers learn to capture context, by understanding their behavior on Markov sources.

Gap with the optimal test loss for transformer models learning k-gram Markov processes.


  • The paper investigates the necessary depth and complexity of transformer architectures for modeling higher-order Markov processes, finding that transformers with constant depth, as low as three layers, can effectively learn these sequences.

  • Empirical evidence shows that transformers with just three layers and one head per layer can successfully model Markov processes with dependencies extending up to eight previous symbols, challenging previous beliefs about the required complexity.

  • Theoretical analysis confirms that constant-depth transformers can achieve this by utilizing non-linearities like layer normalization, demonstrating that increased complexity isn't always needed for capturing higher-order dependencies.

Transformers on Markov Data: Constant Depth Suffices


The paper "Transformers on Markov Data: Constant Depth Suffices" provides a comprehensive analysis of the application of attention-based transformers to sequences generated from Markov processes. The authors seek to address the open question of the minimal depth and architectural complexity required for transformers to effectively model higher-order Markov processes. They focus on cases where the conditional distribution of the next symbol depends on the preceding $k$ symbols. Their key contribution is the empirical and theoretical discovery that transformers with constant depth, specifically with as few as three layers and one head per layer, can achieve low test loss on sequences drawn from Markov sources, contradicting previous assertions regarding the necessity of incrementally more complex architectures with increasing $k$.

Key Insights and Contributions

The authors establish several crucial insights through a blend of empirical evidence and rigorous theoretical analysis. These insights challenge prior findings that implied a linear scaling of the number of transformer heads with the increasing order $k$ of Markov sources:

  1. Empirical Observations:

    • Transformers with a fixed depth of 2 layers and 1 head per layer were capable of learning Markov processes with $k$ up to 4.
    • Transformers with 3 layers and 1 head per layer successfully modeled sequences from Markov processes with $k$ as large as 8.
    • These results suggest that the number of heads does not need to scale linearly with $k$ when adequate training duration and depth are provided.
  2. Theoretical Contributions:

    • The authors prove that a transformer with a single head and three layers can represent the conditional empirical distribution for Markov sources.
    • They demonstrate that attention-only transformers (without feedforward layers and layer normalization) with $O(\log_2(k))$ layers can adequately model such processes. This is achieved by composing induction heads that track the previous $k$ symbols.
    • They elucidate the critical role of non-linearities, specifically layer normalization, in allowing constant-depth transformers to meet conditional $k$-gram modeling.

Implications and Future Directions

The findings have significant implications for the design and efficiency of transformer models in sequence prediction tasks:

  1. Model Efficiency:

    • The possibility of using constant-depth, single-head transformers to model higher-order dependencies effectively can lead to substantial reductions in computational resources and model complexity without compromising performance.
  2. Practical Applications:

    • These insights are particularly beneficial in environments with severe resource constraints where model simplicity is essential.
    • The findings promote the use of transformers in real-world generative modeling applications where long-range dependencies are prevalent, as these models can now be more efficiently implemented.
  3. Theoretical Advances:

    • The results deepen our understanding of the representational power of transformers. They challenge the notion that increasing model complexity, in terms of depth and number of heads, is always necessary to capture higher-order dependencies.
    • The discovery that layer normalization plays a pivotal role in the transformer's ability to represent conditional $k$-grams offers new avenues for architectural innovations and optimizations.

Future Developments in AI

The study opens several interesting research directions, particularly in understanding the intricate balance between model complexity and representational power.


This paper provides compelling evidence that simple, constant-depth transformers are sufficient to model higher-order Markov processes effectively, thereby challenging and refining the existing understanding of transformer complexity requirements. The blend of empirical results and theoretical proofs offers a robust framework for future research and practical applications in sequence modeling, making it a pivotal piece of work in the ongoing evolution of transformer architectures. The implications span practical efficiency gains and deeper theoretical insights, fostering continued innovation in the design of neural sequence models.

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