Emergent Mind


Organizations across various industries are still exploring the potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) to enhance knowledge work. While innovation is often viewed as a product of individual creativity, it more commonly unfolds through a highly structured, collaborative process where creativity intertwines with knowledge work. However, the extent and effectiveness of GenAI in supporting this process remain open questions. Our study investigates this issue using a collaborative practice research approach focused on three GenAI-enabled innovation projects conducted over a year within three different organizations. We explored how, why, and when GenAI could be integrated into design sprints, a highly structured, collaborative, and human-centered innovation method. Our research identified challenges and opportunities in synchronizing AI capabilities with human intelligence and creativity. To translate these insights into practical strategies, we propose four recommendations for organizations eager to leverage GenAI to both streamline and bring more value to their innovation processes: (1) establish a collaborative intelligence value loop with GenAI; (2) build trust in GenAI, (3) develop robust data collection and curation workflows, and (4) cultivate a craftsmanship mindset.

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