Emergent Mind


We present Stable Video 4D (SV4D), a latent video diffusion model for multi-frame and multi-view consistent dynamic 3D content generation. Unlike previous methods that rely on separately trained generative models for video generation and novel view synthesis, we design a unified diffusion model to generate novel view videos of dynamic 3D objects. Specifically, given a monocular reference video, SV4D generates novel views for each video frame that are temporally consistent. We then use the generated novel view videos to optimize an implicit 4D representation (dynamic NeRF) efficiently, without the need for cumbersome SDS-based optimization used in most prior works. To train our unified novel view video generation model, we curated a dynamic 3D object dataset from the existing Objaverse dataset. Extensive experimental results on multiple datasets and user studies demonstrate SV4D's state-of-the-art performance on novel-view video synthesis as well as 4D generation compared to prior works.

Higher-quality 4D assets from SV4D, showing more detail, consistency, and faithfulness than prior SDS-based work.


  • The paper introduces SV4D, a novel model for generating temporally and spatially consistent 4D objects from monocular video inputs.

  • SV4D employs a unique combination of Stable Video Diffusion (SVD) and Stable Video 3D (SV3D) models with attention mechanisms to ensure multi-frame and multi-view consistency.

  • Experimental results demonstrate that SV4D outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in 4D content generation across various metrics.

SV4D: Dynamic 3D Content Generation with Multi-Frame and Multi-View Consistency

In "SV4D: Dynamic 3D Content Generation with Multi-Frame and Multi-View Consistency," the authors present a sophisticated model designed to address the intricacies of generating temporally and spatially consistent 4D objects from a monocular video input. The paper introduces Stable Video 4D (SV4D), a latent video diffusion model unifying novel view synthesis and dynamic 3D generation within a single framework. This synthesis allows for not only individual frame consistency but also motion coherence across multiple perspectives.


The SV4D approach diverges from traditional methods by integrating Stable Video Diffusion (SVD) and Stable Video 3D (SV3D) models. The innovative model architecture of SV4D includes multiple attention blocks, specifically view attention and frame attention, which ensure both spatial and temporal consistency. The view attention block aligns images across different views at each video frame while the frame attention block aligns frames sequentially, conditioned on a reference multi-view of the first frame (Fig. 1 in the paper).

To facilitate the foundational training of this unified model, the authors curate ObjaverseDy, a novel dataset derived from the Objaverse dataset, focusing on dynamic 3D objects which are scarce in large-scale datasets.

Key Contributions

  1. Novel SV4D Network: The model innovatively extends SVD by incorporating additional attention mechanisms to maintain coherence across views and frames, offering unprecedented multi-frame and multi-view consistency.
  2. Mixed Sampling Scheme: Addressing memory constraints in generating large image matrices, the paper introduces a sequentially processing strategy, mixed-sampling, that balances efficiency and consistency.
  3. 4D Content Optimization: Post novel-view video generation, the model employs gradient-based optimization on a dynamic neural radiance field (NeRF) representation to finalize the 4D object, sidestepping the computationally intensive score-distillation sampling (SDS) used in prior works.

Experimental Validation

The experimental evaluation presents a comprehensive comparison of SV4D against state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic (ObjaverseDy, Consistent4D) and real-world datasets (DAVIS). The paper uses metrics such as Learned Perceptual Similarity (LPIPS), CLIP-Score (CLIP-S), and various forms of Frechet Video Distance (FVD) to quantify visual quality and consistency.

SV4D consistently outperforms competitors, notably achieving significant reductions in FVD-F on the Consistent4D dataset (677.68 vs. 989.53 for SV3D), highlighting its superior temporal coherence in synthesized videos. In the ObjaverseDy and Consistent4D datasets, SV4D's results demonstrate robustness across FVD metrics, underscoring its advanced multi-frame and multi-view consistency.

Technical Implications

SV4D advances the field of 4D content generation by overcoming two primary challenges: the lack of extensive 4D datasets and the computational burden of existing optimization techniques. By effectively merging image synthesis and video frame consistency within a single diffusion-based model, SV4D facilitates rapid generation and refinement of dynamic 3D assets. This has substantial implications for applications in AR/VR, game development, and cinematic production, where generating convincing dynamic 3D content is crucial.

Future Outlook

The paper presents several avenues for further enhancement:

  • Scalability: Investigating methods to efficiently manage memory and computational resources for larger, more complex scenes.
  • Integration with Real-World Data: Extending the model's adaptability to handle more unstructured, real-world input videos.
  • Enhanced Dataset Curation: Expanding dynamic 3D object datasets to improve the model's generalizability and robustness.

SV4D represents a significant stride in 3D generative modeling, leveraging the alignment of frame and view consistency to produce superior 4D content. Its introduction sets the stage for future explorations in seamlessly blending traditional and novel approaches in handling high-dimensional generative tasks.

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