Emergent Mind

A quantitative probabilistic relational Hoare logic

Published Jul 24, 2024 in cs.LO


We introduce eRHL, a program logic for reasoning about relational expectation properties of pairs of probabilistic programs. eRHL is quantitative, i.e., its pre- and post-conditions take values in the extended non-negative reals. Thanks to its quantitative assertions, eRHL overcomes randomness alignment restrictions from prior logics, including PRHL, a popular relational program logic used to reason about security of cryptographic constructions, and apRHL, a variant of PRHL for differential privacy. As a result, eRHL is the first relational probabilistic program logic to be supported by non-trivial soundness and completeness results for all almost surely terminating programs. We show that eRHL is sound and complete with respect to program equivalence, statistical distance, and differential privacy. We also show that every PRHL judgment is valid iff it is provable in eRHL. We showcase the practical benefits of eRHL with examples that are beyond reach of PRHL and apRHL.


  • The paper introduces \ERHL, a new program logic for reasoning about relational expectation properties of probabilistic programs, overcoming limitations of prior logics such as \PRHL and \APRHL.

  • \ERHL's syntax and semantics are based on a probabilistic programming language called pWhile, and it achieves completeness and soundness results for almost surely terminating programs.

  • The practical utility of \ERHL is demonstrated through case studies in program equivalence, cryptographic security, differential privacy, and algorithmic stability.

Essay: A Quantitative Probabilistic Relational Hoare Logic

The paper "A Quantitative Probabilistic Relational Hoare Logic" introduces \ERHL, an advanced program logic designed for reasoning about relational expectation properties of pairs of probabilistic programs. Authored by Martin Avanzini, Gilles Barthe, Davide Davoli, and Benjamin Grégoire, the work addresses significant gaps present in prior relational logics like \PRHL and \APRHL, especially concerning randomness alignment and the treatment of almost surely terminating programs.

Overview and Novel Contributions

\ERHL distinguishes itself as quantitative, leveraging pre- and post-conditions that take values in the extended non-negative reals. This design choice allows \ERHL to overcome the limitations intrinsic to previous logics that suffered from strict randomness alignment constraints. Unlike \PRHL and \APRHL, which are used extensively for cryptographic proofs and differential privacy, \ERHL achieves soundness and completeness for non-trivial properties of probabilistic programs. Specifically, it is the first relational probabilistic program logic to support comprehensive soundness and completeness results for all almost surely terminating programs.

Formalization of \ERHL

The syntax and semantics of \ERHL are grounded in pWhile, an imperative programming language that evolves probabilistically through sampling instructions. The logic introduces judgments of the form:


where Z denotes a type of auxiliary variables, and \ex, \extwo are assertions—functions mapping states to real values. The judgments characterize that for any instantiation of logical variables, the expected value of the post-expectation \extwo on $\star$-coupled output memories is bounded by the pre-expectation \ex on input memories.

Completeness and Soundness

The theoretical cornerstone of \ERHL is its completeness and soundness, which are meticulously proved within the paper. Soundness guarantees that every derivable judgment in \ERHL is valid. Completeness, on the other hand, ensures that every valid judgment is derivable within the logic, which is pivotal because prior logics like \PRHL have been incomplete and thus limited in their applicability.

One-Sided Completeness

A significant portion of the paper focuses on proving one-sided completeness. This is achieved through the concept of Most General Assertions (MGA). MGAs are schemas representing the most general form of valid assertions, and any specific valid assertion can be derived from these MGAs using standard proof rules. The derivation is intricate and employs techniques from classical Hoare and weakest precondition calculi.

Practical Utility and Derived Rules

To make \ERHL practically usable, the authors introduce derived rules that facilitate weakest pre-condition (WP) style reasoning. These derived rules streamline proofs by focusing on the final instructions in a sequence and enabling mechanized reasoning within proof assistants.

Applications and Case Studies

The practical applications of \ERHL are showcased through various case studies that highlight its expressiveness and utility:

  1. Program Equivalence: Examples such as transforming two sequential samplings into a single sampling and rejection sampling are proven using \ERHL, thereby demonstrating its capability to handle more complex probabilistic transformations.
  2. Cryptographic Security Proofs: The PRP/PRF switching lemma is revisited, showing that \ERHL can effectively handle proofs that have traditionally been managed by \PRHL with additional auxiliary tools.
  3. Differential Privacy: Classic examples like randomized response and privacy amplification by subsampling are verified within \ERHL, displaying its proficiency in handling differential privacy—an area where \APRHL struggles due to its intrinsic limitations with randomness alignment.
  4. Algorithmic Stability: The logic's utility is further validated by proving the algorithmic stability of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), a task that stresses the importance of advanced relational reasoning.

Future Directions

The comprehensive framework of \ERHL opens several avenues for future work. One immediate direction is integrating \ERHL into automated proof assistants like EasyCrypt, thereby facilitating the formal verification of cryptographic constructions. Furthermore, extending \ERHL to higher-order and quantum settings could significantly broaden its applicability, although this poses considerable theoretical challenges.


The introduction of \ERHL marks a substantial advancement in the domain of probabilistic program logics by addressing crucial limitations of its predecessors. It provides a robust and complete framework for reasoning about sophisticated probabilistic properties, with broad implications for cryptographic proof systems and differential privacy mechanisms. The formal rigor and practical utility of \ERHL establish it as a foundational tool for contemporary and future research in probabilistic programming.

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