Emergent Mind

Path-optimal symbolic execution of heap-manipulating programs

Published Jul 23, 2024 in cs.SE and cs.LO


Symbolic execution is at the core of many techniques for program analysis and test generation. Traditional symbolic execution of programs with numeric inputs enjoys the property of forking as many analysis traces as the number of analyzed program paths, a property that in this paper we refer to as path optimality. On the contrary, current approaches for symbolic execution of heap-manipulating programs fail to satisfy this property, thereby incurring heavy path explosion effects that crucially penalize the efficiency of the analysis. This paper introduces POSE, path-optimal symbolic execution, a symbolic execution algorithm that originally accomplishes path optimality against heap-manipulating programs. We formalize the POSE algorithm for a tiny, but representative object-oriented programming language, and implement the formalization into a prototype symbolic executor to experiment the algorithm against a benchmark of sample programs that take data structures as inputs. Our experiments provide initial empirical evidence of the potential of POSE for improving on the state of the art of symbolic execution of heap-manipulating programs.

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