Emergent Mind

KAN or MLP: A Fairer Comparison

Published Jul 23, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


This paper does not introduce a novel method. Instead, it offers a fairer and more comprehensive comparison of KAN and MLP models across various tasks, including machine learning, computer vision, audio processing, natural language processing, and symbolic formula representation. Specifically, we control the number of parameters and FLOPs to compare the performance of KAN and MLP. Our main observation is that, except for symbolic formula representation tasks, MLP generally outperforms KAN. We also conduct ablation studies on KAN and find that its advantage in symbolic formula representation mainly stems from its B-spline activation function. When B-spline is applied to MLP, performance in symbolic formula representation significantly improves, surpassing or matching that of KAN. However, in other tasks where MLP already excels over KAN, B-spline does not substantially enhance MLP's performance. Furthermore, we find that KAN's forgetting issue is more severe than that of MLP in a standard class-incremental continual learning setting, which differs from the findings reported in the KAN paper. We hope these results provide insights for future research on KAN and other MLP alternatives. Project link: https://github.com/yu-rp/KANbeFair

KAN vs. MLP: MLP excels in accuracy; KAN lowers root mean square error in various tasks.


  • The paper 'KAN or MLP: A Fairer Comparison' provides a rigorous comparative analysis of Kolmogorov–Arnold Networks (KAN) and Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP) by aligning their parameters and FLOPs.

  • The study reveals that MLP generally outperforms KAN across various tasks except in symbolic formula representation, where KAN excels due to its B-spline activation functions.

  • Insights from this research contribute to the understanding of when to use KAN or MLP and highlight the need for further exploration of activation functions and their impact on neural network performance.

Comparative Analysis of KAN and MLP Architectures

The paper "KAN or MLP: A Fairer Comparison" authored by Runpeng Yu, Weihao Yu, and Xinchao Wang from the National University of Singapore, offers an in-depth comparative analysis between Kolmogorov–Arnold Networks (KAN) and Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP) under controlled experimental conditions. This work does not introduce a novel method but rather ensures a rigorous comparative framework by aligning the number of parameters and FLOPs in the two architectures. The comprehensive evaluation spans across various domains, including ML, computer vision (CV), NLP, audio processing, and symbolic formula representation.

Key Contributions and Findings

  • Controlled Comparison: The study meticulously balances KAN and MLP architectures by aligning their parameters and FLOPs to provide a fair comparison. This approach addresses the deficiencies of previous studies that lacked such stringent control.
  • Task Performance: The results reveal that MLP generally outperforms KAN across most tasks except symbolic formula representation. Specifically:
  • Machine Learning: MLP maintains a competitive edge over KAN in 6 out of 8 datasets tested.
  • Computer Vision: MLP consistently surpasses KAN across all CV datasets.
  • Natural Language and Audio Processing: MLP demonstrates superior performance in both NLP and audio tasks.
  • Symbolic Formula Representation: KAN shows a clear advantage owing to its B-spline activation functions.
  • Ablation Studies: The study further validates that KAN's advantage in symbolic formula representation is primarily derived from the use of B-spline activation functions. When MLP is equipped with B-spline activation, it matches or surpasses KAN's performance in these tasks, whereas for other domains, the use of B-spline in MLP yields negligible improvements.
  • Continual Learning: Contrary to earlier findings, the study shows that KAN's forgetting issue is more pronounced than MLP in standard class-incremental continual learning settings, disputing claims of superior KAN performance in such tasks.

Technical Insights

  • Model Formulations: The paper details the mathematical formulations and forward equations of KAN and MLP. KAN employs learnable B-spline functions on network edges, while MLP traditionally uses fixed activation functions.
  • Parametric Analysis: The paper provides explicit formulas for computing the number of parameters and FLOPs for both KAN and MLP, ensuring precise control in the comparative studies. This mathematical rigor substantiates the paper's claims regarding the fair evaluation of the two models.
  • Architecture Details: Insights into how varying the activation functions and their positions (before or after linear transformations) impact performance across different tasks are elucidated, indicating that the choice of activation functions significantly affects the networks' suitability for various tasks.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

  • Practical Applications: For researchers and practitioners, this study serves as a crucial reference for selecting between KAN and MLP architectures depending on the task at hand. Specific preference for symbolic formula representation should lean towards KAN, while other practical applications including ML, CV, NLP, and audio processing are better suited for MLP.
  • Future Research: The findings invite further exploration into advanced activation functions and their integration within MLP-like structures. The results also call for re-evaluation of KAN's applicability in continual learning scenarios, which might lead to development of hybrid models leveraging MLP's strengths with innovative activation functions.


This comparative study provides a methodologically robust framework for evaluating KAN against MLP, offering critical insights into their performance across diverse tasks. By controlling for parameters and FLOPs, the paper brings forth objective evidence highlighting MLP's superior versatility except in symbolic formula representation tasks where KAN takes precedence. These results not only clarify the functional distinctions between these architectures but also pave the way for future advancements in neural network design and application.

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