Emergent Mind

Improving multidimensional projection quality with user-specific metrics and optimal scaling

Published Jul 23, 2024 in cs.GR , cs.CV , and cs.HC


The growing prevalence of high-dimensional data has fostered the development of multidimensional projection (MP) techniques, such as t-SNE, UMAP, and LAMP, for data visualization and exploration. However, conventional MP methods typically employ generic quality metrics, neglecting individual user preferences. This study proposes a new framework that tailors MP techniques based on user-specific quality criteria, enhancing projection interpretability. Our approach combines three visual quality metrics, stress, neighborhood preservation, and silhouette score, to create a composite metric for a precise MP evaluation. We then optimize the projection scale by maximizing the composite metric value. We conducted an experiment involving two users with different projection preferences, generating projections using t-SNE, UMAP, and LAMP. Users rate projections according to their criteria, producing two training sets. We derive optimal weights for each set and apply them to other datasets to determine the best projections per user. Our findings demonstrate that personalized projections effectively capture user preferences, fostering better data exploration and enabling more informed decision-making. This user-centric approach promotes advancements in multidimensional projection techniques that accommodate diverse user preferences and enhance interpretability.

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