Emergent Mind

Learning to Manipulate Anywhere: A Visual Generalizable Framework For Reinforcement Learning

Published Jul 22, 2024 in cs.RO , cs.AI , and cs.CV


Can we endow visuomotor robots with generalization capabilities to operate in diverse open-world scenarios? In this paper, we propose \textbf{Maniwhere}, a generalizable framework tailored for visual reinforcement learning, enabling the trained robot policies to generalize across a combination of multiple visual disturbance types. Specifically, we introduce a multi-view representation learning approach fused with Spatial Transformer Network (STN) module to capture shared semantic information and correspondences among different viewpoints. In addition, we employ a curriculum-based randomization and augmentation approach to stabilize the RL training process and strengthen the visual generalization ability. To exhibit the effectiveness of Maniwhere, we meticulously design 8 tasks encompassing articulate objects, bi-manual, and dexterous hand manipulation tasks, demonstrating Maniwhere's strong visual generalization and sim2real transfer abilities across 3 hardware platforms. Our experiments show that Maniwhere significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Videos are provided at https://gemcollector.github.io/maniwhere/.


  • The paper introduces Maniwhere, a novel framework designed to enhance the generalizability of visuomotor robots in diverse open-world scenarios by using reinforcement learning (RL).

  • Key methodologies include multi-view representation learning, a Spatial Transformer Network (STN), and curriculum-based domain randomization to ensure robustness across varying visual conditions.

  • Maniwhere outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in both simulated and real-world tests, demonstrating superior generalization, zero-shot sim2real transferability, and cross-embodiment versatility.

A Visual Generalizable Framework for Reinforcement Learning

The paper "Learning to Manipulate Anywhere: A Visual Generalizable Framework For Reinforcement Learning" by Zhecheng Yuan et al. presents Maniwhere, a novel framework designed to improve the generalizability of visuomotor robots in diverse open-world scenarios. The core focus of Maniwhere is to enable reinforcement learning (RL) agents to perform consistently across various visual conditions without requiring camera recalibration, which is often a significant obstacle in real-world deployments of robotic policies.


Maniwhere centers around several key methodologies to achieve its high level of generalizability:

  1. Multi-View Representation Learning: Maniwhere incorporates a multi-view representation objective, leveraging images from fixed and moving viewpoints to extract invariant features. This approach utilizes InfoNCE-based contrastive loss (Equation 1) to align representations from different viewpoints and an additional alignment loss (Equation 2) to ensure feature map consistency across views.
  2. Spatial Transformer Network (STN): The framework integrates a Spatial Transformer Network within the visual encoder to handle variations in camera perspectives. The STN module performs perspective transformations, enhancing the model's robustness to spatial changes in the visual inputs.
  3. Curriculum-Based Domain Randomization: To stabilize the RL training and maintain the efficacy of domain randomization, Maniwhere employs a curriculum-based approach. This method gradually increases the magnitude of randomization parameters throughout training, thereby preventing divergence and enabling effective sim2real transfer.

Experimental Setup and Results

Maniwhere was rigorously evaluated across eight distinct tasks involving a variety of robotic embodiments, including single and bi-manual arms, dexterous hand manipulation, and the handling of articulated objects. The framework was benchmarked against multiple state-of-the-art baselines: SRM, PIE-G, SGQN, MoVie, and MV-MWM.

The findings illustrate that Maniwhere substantially outperforms these baselines in both simulation and real-world tests:

  • Simulation Results: Maniwhere demonstrated superior generalization across different viewpoints and visual appearances, maintaining high success rates despite variations. Table 1 shows a +68.5% boost in average performance compared to the leading baselines.
  • Real-World Performance: The framework was tested in real-world conditions with three types of robotic arms and two types of dexterous hands. Results indicated a strong zero-shot sim2real transferability (Table 3), with significant performance margins over competitors.
  • Cross-Embodiment Generalization: Maniwhere was also adept at transferring learned skills across different robotic embodiments, showcasing its versatility and robustness.

Ablation Studies

The study includes comprehensive ablation experiments to identify the impact of key components such as the multi-view representation learning objective and the STN module. The results (Table 4) highlight the critical role of multi-view learning in achieving viewpoint invariance, and the effectiveness of the STN module in enhancing spatial awareness.

Implications and Future Directions

The theoretical and practical implications of Maniwhere are significant:

  • Practical: The ability to generalize across various visual conditions without camera recalibration can drastically reduce the deployment time and costs in real-world robotic applications.
  • Theoretical: The integration of multi-view representation learning with spatial transformation and curriculum randomization provides a new paradigm for addressing the sim2real gap in visual RL.

Future work could explore extending Maniwhere for more complex, long-horizon manipulation tasks, and investigating its applications in mobile manipulation scenarios.


Maniwhere represents a robust and versatile framework for enhancing the visual generalization capabilities of RL agents. By combining multi-view representation learning, spatial transformations, and curriculum-based randomization, it sets a new benchmark in zero-shot sim2real transfer for visuomotor control tasks. The framework's significant performance improvements over existing methods highlight its potential for real-world robotic applications, paving the way for more adaptive and resilient AI systems in dynamic environments.

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