Emergent Mind


Place recognition is a challenging task in computer vision, crucial for enabling autonomous vehicles and robots to navigate previously visited environments. While significant progress has been made in learnable multimodal methods that combine onboard camera images and LiDAR point clouds, the full potential of these methods remains largely unexplored in localization applications. In this paper, we study the impact of leveraging a multi-camera setup and integrating diverse data sources for multimodal place recognition, incorporating explicit visual semantics and text descriptions. Our proposed method named MSSPlace utilizes images from multiple cameras, LiDAR point clouds, semantic segmentation masks, and text annotations to generate comprehensive place descriptors. We employ a late fusion approach to integrate these modalities, providing a unified representation. Through extensive experiments on the Oxford RobotCar and NCLT datasets, we systematically analyze the impact of each data source on the overall quality of place descriptors. Our experiments demonstrate that combining data from multiple sensors significantly improves place recognition model performance compared to single modality approaches and leads to state-of-the-art quality. We also show that separate usage of visual or textual semantics (which are more compact representations of sensory data) can achieve promising results in place recognition. The code for our method is publicly available: https://github.com/alexmelekhin/MSSPlace

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