Emergent Mind

Multiple importance sampling for stochastic gradient estimation

Published Jul 22, 2024 in cs.LG and stat.ML


We introduce a theoretical and practical framework for efficient importance sampling of mini-batch samples for gradient estimation from single and multiple probability distributions. To handle noisy gradients, our framework dynamically evolves the importance distribution during training by utilizing a self-adaptive metric. Our framework combines multiple, diverse sampling distributions, each tailored to specific parameter gradients. This approach facilitates the importance sampling of vector-valued gradient estimation. Rather than naively combining multiple distributions, our framework involves optimally weighting data contribution across multiple distributions. This adapted combination of multiple importance yields superior gradient estimates, leading to faster training convergence. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through empirical evaluations across a range of optimization tasks like classification and regression on both image and point cloud datasets.

Convergence comparison of polynomial regression using various methods, highlighting OMIS's efficacy.


  • The paper introduces a novel technique that enhances the efficiency and accuracy of gradient estimation in optimization tasks by leveraging importance sampling (IS) and multiple importance sampling (MIS) methodologies.

  • Key contributions include an efficient IS algorithm, a MIS estimator for vector-valued gradients, optimal weight computation using OMIS principles, and extensive empirical validation demonstrating superior performance over traditional methods.

  • The methodology includes dynamic mini-batch IS, MIS adapted for vector-valued gradients, and practical algorithmic implementation of OMIS, showing significant improvements in various experiments such as polynomial regression, classification tasks, point cloud classification, and image regression.

Multiple Importance Sampling for Stochastic Gradient Estimation: A Technical Overview

The paper "Multiple importance sampling for stochastic gradient estimation" introduces a novel technique designed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of gradient estimation in optimization tasks by leveraging importance sampling (IS) and multiple importance sampling (MIS) methodologies.


The necessity for accurate and efficient gradient estimation remains a key challenge in the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) approach due to inherent stochasticity, which introduces noise into gradient calculations. Traditional methods to mitigate noise include adaptive mini-batch sizing, momentum-based techniques, and conventional importance sampling. This paper extends the latter by proposing an evolved framework integrating MIS for vector-valued gradient estimation, which combines multiple sampling distributions.

Key Contributions

The contributions of the paper can be summarized as follows:

  1. Efficient IS Algorithm: The authors present an IS algorithm that evolves dynamically through training by employing a self-adaptive metric. This reduces the overhead common in existing IS methods.
  2. MIS Estimator for Vector-Valued Gradients: Introduction of an MIS estimator suitable for vector-valued gradient estimation, a stark departure from traditional scalar-based gradients.
  3. Optimal Weight Computation: Practical approach for computing weights to maximize gradient estimation quality using principles from optimal MIS (OMIS).
  4. Empirical Validation: Extensive empirical evaluations demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed methods over traditional SGD and other IS methods like DLIS.


Mini-Batch IS

The proposed mini-batch IS algorithm (Algorithm 1) maintains and updates a set of per-sample importance values dynamically during training. The importance function is derived from the output layer gradients, thus providing a computationally efficient approximation without needing additional forward passes for each sample.

MIS for Vector-Valued Gradients

MIS is adapted for vector-valued gradient estimation by combining multiple importance sampling distributions. The estimator (Eq. 10) weights data contributions from multiple distributions proportionally to their utility, calculated via OMIS. This optimization theoretically reduces estimation variance and speeds up convergence compared to single-distribution IS.

Practical Algorithmic Implementation

The practical implementation of OMIS (Algorithm 3) involves sampling from multiple distributions and solving a linear system to compute optimal weights. Momentum-based accumulation of the linear system components ensures stability and efficacy, even with a limited number of samples per distribution.

Experimental Results

The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods across various tasks:

  • Polynomial Regression: The convergence of the exact gradient is matched by OMIS using significantly fewer samples per mini-batch compared to classical SGD.
  • Classification Tasks: On datasets like MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100, the proposed IS and OMIS methods achieve comparable or superior classification accuracy and loss reduction compared to DLIS and other baselines. Equal-time evaluations reveal a computational advantage due to lower overhead.
  • Point Cloud Classification: OMIS significantly outperforms other methods in classification accuracy, demonstrating the utility of tailored vector-valued gradient estimation.
  • Image Regression: The OMIS method outperforms other techniques in terms of image fidelity and loss, as depicted in visual results on a 2D image regression task.

Implications and Future Work

This research suggests substantial practical and theoretical implications. Practically, the proposed IS and OMIS methods can be applied to a range of machine learning tasks, particularly those involving high-dimensional parameters, improving convergence speed and gradient estimation accuracy while maintaining computational efficiency.

Theoretically, this work opens avenues for further exploration into MIS strategies tailored for different model architectures beyond sequential models, particularly transformer-based networks. Future work could involve dynamic sample distribution optimization, extending the framework to more complex architectures, and integrating adaptive sampling strategies resilient against perturbations in estimation.


The paper presents a substantial improvement in gradient estimation for SGD by ingeniously combining multiple importance sampling distributions. These innovations reduce the noise in gradient estimation, hasten convergence, and significantly advance prior IS methodologies, laying the groundwork for future explorations in dynamic MIS strategies for broader machine learning applications.

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