Emergent Mind

Temporal Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning with Offline Data

Published Jul 21, 2024 in cs.LG


Standard reinforcement learning algorithms with a single policy perform poorly on tasks in complex environments involving sparse rewards, diverse behaviors, or long-term planning. This led to the study of algorithms that incorporate temporal abstraction by training a hierarchy of policies that plan over different time scales. The options framework has been introduced to implement such temporal abstraction by learning low-level options that act as extended actions controlled by a high-level policy. The main challenge in applying these algorithms to real-world problems is that they suffer from high sample complexity to train multiple levels of the hierarchy, which is impossible in online settings. Motivated by this, in this paper, we propose an offline hierarchical RL method that can learn options from existing offline datasets collected by other unknown agents. This is a very challenging problem due to the distribution mismatch between the learned options and the policies responsible for the offline dataset and to our knowledge, this is the first work in this direction. In this work, we propose a framework by which an online hierarchical reinforcement learning algorithm can be trained on an offline dataset of transitions collected by an unknown behavior policy. We validate our method on Gym MuJoCo locomotion environments and robotic gripper block-stacking tasks in the standard as well as transfer and goal-conditioned settings.

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