Emergent Mind

When Do Universal Image Jailbreaks Transfer Between Vision-Language Models?

Published Jul 21, 2024 in cs.CL , cs.AI , cs.CR , cs.CV , and cs.LG


The integration of new modalities into frontier AI systems offers exciting capabilities, but also increases the possibility such systems can be adversarially manipulated in undesirable ways. In this work, we focus on a popular class of vision-language models (VLMs) that generate text outputs conditioned on visual and textual inputs. We conducted a large-scale empirical study to assess the transferability of gradient-based universal image "jailbreaks" using a diverse set of over 40 open-parameter VLMs, including 18 new VLMs that we publicly release. Overall, we find that transferable gradient-based image jailbreaks are extremely difficult to obtain. When an image jailbreak is optimized against a single VLM or against an ensemble of VLMs, the jailbreak successfully jailbreaks the attacked VLM(s), but exhibits little-to-no transfer to any other VLMs; transfer is not affected by whether the attacked and target VLMs possess matching vision backbones or language models, whether the language model underwent instruction-following and/or safety-alignment training, or many other factors. Only two settings display partially successful transfer: between identically-pretrained and identically-initialized VLMs with slightly different VLM training data, and between different training checkpoints of a single VLM. Leveraging these results, we then demonstrate that transfer can be significantly improved against a specific target VLM by attacking larger ensembles of "highly-similar" VLMs. These results stand in stark contrast to existing evidence of universal and transferable text jailbreaks against language models and transferable adversarial attacks against image classifiers, suggesting that VLMs may be more robust to gradient-based transfer attacks.


  • The paper investigates the transferability of image-based jailbreaks against Vision-Language Models (VLMs), revealing that while jailbreaks are often universal, they poorly transfer to other VLMs.

  • Specific settings show partial success in image jailbreak transfer, particularly between identically-initialized VLMs with additional training or different checkpoints of the same VLM.

  • Larger ensembles of similar VLMs significantly improve jailbreak transferability, highlighting the importance of similarity among ensemble members for effective transfer attacks.

An In-Depth Review of "When Do Universal Image Jailbreaks Transfer Between Vision-Language Models?"

This essay aims to provide a comprehensive summary and analysis of the paper "When Do Universal Image Jailbreaks Transfer Between Vision-Language Models?" The authors conducted a large-scale empirical study to explore the transferability of image-based jailbreaks optimized against Vision-Language Models (VLMs). While the existing body of research has demonstrated the vulnerabilities of language models and image classifiers to transfer attacks, this investigation focuses particularly on VLMs, highlighting critical insights into their robustness against such adversarial manipulations.

Core Findings

The core contributions and findings of this work are multi-faceted and can be categorized as follows:

  1. Universal but Non-Transferable Jailbreaks: The study reveals that image jailbreaks optimized against a single VLM or an ensemble of VLMs tend to be universal but poorly transferable to other VLMs. This behavior was consistent across all factors considered, including shared vision backbones, shared language models, and whether the targeted VLMs underwent instruction-following or safety-alignment training.
  2. Partial Transfer in Specific Settings: Two specific settings displayed partial success in transferring image jailbreaks: (i) between identically-initialized VLMs trained with additional training data, and (ii) between different training checkpoints of the same VLM. The partial transfer observed suggests that slight changes in training data or additional training can influence the transferability of adversarial images to some extent.
  3. Lack of Transfer to Differently-Trained VLMs: The study found no successful transfer when attacking identically-initialized VLMs trained in one-stage vs. two-stage finetuning. This strongly implies that the mechanism by which visual outputs are integrated into the language model is a critical determinant of successful transfer.
  4. Increased Success with Larger Ensembles of Similar VLMs: The final experiment demonstrated that attacking larger ensembles of "highly similar" VLMs significantly improved the transferability of image jailbreaks to a specific target VLM. This result underscores the importance of high similarity among the ensemble members for obtaining better transfer performance.


The authors employed a robust methodology to optimize and evaluate image jailbreaks:

  • Harmful-Yet-Helpful Text Datasets: Three different datasets (AdvBench, Anthropic HHH, and Generated) were used to optimize image jailbreaks, each contributing unique prompt-response pairs involving harmful and helpful scenarios.
  • Loss Function: The negative log-likelihood that a set of VLMs would output a harmful yet helpful response given harmful prompts and the image was minimized.
  • Vision-Language Models (VLMs): The Prismatic suite of VLMs formed the primary experimental base, with 18 new VLMs also being created to span a broad range of language backbones and vision models.
  • Measuring Jailbreak Success: Cross-Entropy loss and evaluation through Claude 3 Opus' Harmful-Yet-Helpful score were used as primary metrics to assess the efficacy and transferability of the image jailbreaks.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

Practical Implications

The work highlights the robustness of VLMs to gradient-based transfer attacks compared to their unimodal counterparts like language models and image classifiers. The findings indicate that existing VLM systems possess inherent resilience to such adversarial manipulations, which has significant implications for the deployment of these models in real-world applications where security and robustness are paramount.

However, the partial success in transferring jailbreaks among "highly similar" VLMs suggests a potential avenue for improving adversarial training and defense techniques. Understanding the conditions under which jailbreaks might partially transfer can guide the development of more robust VLM systems that can withstand a broader spectrum of attack vectors.

Theoretical Implications and Future Directions

The robustness of VLMs to transfer attacks suggests a fundamental difference in how multimodal models process disparate types of input, compared to unimodal models. This robustness raises intriguing questions about the integrative mechanisms that could provide resilience against such attacks. Future research should focus on mechanistically understanding the activations or circuits within these models, particularly how visual and textual features are integrated and aligned.

Several potential directions for future research emerge from this work:

  1. Mechanistic Study of VLM Robustness: Detailed investigations into the internal mechanisms of VLMs to understand better how visual and textual inputs are processed and integrated.
  2. Development of More Effective Transfer Attacks: Exploration of sophisticated and computationally intensive attack strategies that might yield more transferable image jailbreaks.
  3. Detection and Defense Mechanisms: Development of efficient techniques for detecting and mitigating image-based jailbreak attempts, ensuring VLMs remain secure and robust in varied operational settings.
  4. Improving Safety-Alignment Training: Continued efforts to enhance safety-alignment training for VLMs to protect against adversarial inputs even more effectively.


In conclusion, this paper represents a significant effort to systematize and deepen our understanding of the transferability of image jailbreaks in VLMs. While the results demonstrate an impressive level of robustness, they also identify areas where adversarial attacks can find leverage, particularly among highly similar models. This work will undoubtedly spur further research aimed at both understanding and improving the adversarial resilience of multimodal AI systems.

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