Emergent Mind

Double helical plasmonic antennas

Published Jul 20, 2024 in physics.optics and physics.app-ph


Plasmonic double helical antennas are a means to funnel circularly polarized states of light down to the nanoscale. Here, an existing design tool for single helices is extended to the case of double helices and used to design antennas that combine large chiroptical interaction strength with highly directional light emission. Full-field numerical modeling underpins the design and provides additional insight into surface charge distributions and resonance widths. The experimentally realized double helical antennas were studied regarding their polarization-dependent transmission behavior resulting in a large and broadband dissymmetry factor in the visible range. Since the polarization of light is an important tool for implementing logic functionality in photonic and quantum photonic devices, these helices are potential building blocks for future nanophotonic circuits, but also for chiral metamaterials or phase plates.

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