Emergent Mind

A Scalable Clustered Architecture for Cyber-Physical Systems

Published Jul 8, 2024 in cs.DC and cs.SE


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) play a vital role in the operation of intelligent interconnected systems. CPS integrates physical and software components capable of sensing, monitoring, and controlling physical assets and processes. However, developing distributed and scalable CPSs that efficiently handle large volumes of data while ensuring high performance and reliability remains a challenging task. Moreover, existing commercial solutions are often costly and not suitable for certain applications, limiting developers and researchers in experimenting and deploying CPSs on a larger scale. The development of this project aims to contribute to the design and implementation of a solution to the CPS challenges. To achieve this goal, the Edge4CPS system was developed. Edge4CPS system is an open source, distributed, multi-architecture solution that leverages Kubernetes for managing distributed edge computing clusters. It facilitates the deployment of applications across multiple computing nodes. It also offers services such as data pipeline, which includes data processing, classification, and visualization, as well as a middleware for messaging protocol translation.

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