Emergent Mind

PlacidDreamer: Advancing Harmony in Text-to-3D Generation

Published Jul 19, 2024 in cs.CV


Recently, text-to-3D generation has attracted significant attention, resulting in notable performance enhancements. Previous methods utilize end-to-end 3D generation models to initialize 3D Gaussians, multi-view diffusion models to enforce multi-view consistency, and text-to-image diffusion models to refine details with score distillation algorithms. However, these methods exhibit two limitations. Firstly, they encounter conflicts in generation directions since different models aim to produce diverse 3D assets. Secondly, the issue of over-saturation in score distillation has not been thoroughly investigated and solved. To address these limitations, we propose PlacidDreamer, a text-to-3D framework that harmonizes initialization, multi-view generation, and text-conditioned generation with a single multi-view diffusion model, while simultaneously employing a novel score distillation algorithm to achieve balanced saturation. To unify the generation direction, we introduce the Latent-Plane module, a training-friendly plug-in extension that enables multi-view diffusion models to provide fast geometry reconstruction for initialization and enhanced multi-view images to personalize the text-to-image diffusion model. To address the over-saturation problem, we propose to view score distillation as a multi-objective optimization problem and introduce the Balanced Score Distillation algorithm, which offers a Pareto Optimal solution that achieves both rich details and balanced saturation. Extensive experiments validate the outstanding capabilities of our PlacidDreamer. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/HansenHuang0823/PlacidDreamer}.

2D generation results showing BSD's close resemblance to text-to-image ground truth and optimal convergence.


  • PlacidDreamer introduces a novel framework for text-to-3D generation, harmonizing initialization, multi-view generation, and text-conditioned generation through a multi-view diffusion model, enhancing consistency and quality.

  • The Latent-Plane module improves geometry reconstruction and multi-view image generation by integrating with the diffusion model's latent layers, facilitating efficient feature gathering and attention mechanisms.

  • The Balanced Score Distillation (BSD) algorithm employs multi-objective optimization to achieve a balance between generative detail and color saturation, stabilizing the training process and ensuring high-quality 3D outputs.

PlacidDreamer: Advancing Harmony in Text-to-3D Generation

The task of generating 3D assets from text descriptions, known as text-to-3D generation, has recently garnered significant attention. The paper "PlacidDreamer: Advancing Harmony in Text-to-3D Generation" proposes a novel framework to address perennial issues in the field, particularly conflicts between various model guidance and the problem of over-saturation in score distillation. This summary provides a technical overview of the methodology and implications of the contributions of PlacidDreamer.

PlacidDreamer aims to harmonize initialization, multi-view generation, and text-conditioned generation through a single multi-view diffusion model while employing a novel score distillation algorithm to achieve balanced saturation. Two primary contributions anchor the advancements proposed in this paper:

Latent-Plane Module:

Balanced Score Distillation (BSD):

  • The paper introduces the BSD algorithm, rooted in the framework of multi-objective optimization using the Multiple-Gradient Descent Algorithm (MGDA). BSD achieves a Pareto Optimal solution that balances generative detail richness with realistic color saturation.
  • Score distillation is decomposed into classifier guidance and smoothing guidance, revealing conflicts in optimization directions that traditional methods fail to address.
  • The novel formulation of BSD, without the term $-\epsilon$ present in previous methods like SDS, stabilizes the training process and ensures color consistency while preserving textures and details.

Methodological Framework

Pipeline of PlacidDreamer: The generation pipeline begins with obtaining a reference image using pre-trained text-to-image models (Stable Diffusion or MVDream) and background removal. This image is then fed into the Latent-Plane module of the multi-view diffusion model to generate initial 3D geometry and multi-view images. These images are used to fine-tune the text-to-image diffusion model, ensuring consistent directional prompts. Finally, the Balanced Score Distillation algorithm supervises the generation of the 3D Gaussian splatting-based models to yield a high-quality 3D representation.

Latent-Plane Module: The module extracts high-dimensional latent features from selected layers of the multi-view Unet architecture and projects them into a 3D space. Through multi-view feature gathering and the use of attention layers, the latent features are augmented to provide volume density fields. These fields are then translated into potentially enhanced feature maps, which continue through the Unet architecture for diffusion training and inference.

Balanced Score Distillation (BSD): BSD treats score distillation as a multi-objective optimization problem where the goal is to find optimal points that balance classifier guidance and smoothing guidance. By dynamically adjusting optimization directions, BSD achieves a stable balance and mitigates the problems of over-saturation observed in previous methods like SDS and CSD. The algorithm's hyper-parameter $\lambda$ offers tunable control over the balance between these guidance terms, ensuring robust and flexible application.

Experimental Validation

The experimental results provided in the paper underscore the superior performance of PlacidDreamer compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. Quantitatively, PlacidDreamer outperforms baseline methods on metrics of quality and alignment in the T3Bench benchmark. Critically, the capability to maintain detailed textures and balanced colors without over-saturation reflects the practical benefits of the proposed BSD algorithm.

Ablation Studies: The paper also includes comprehensive ablation studies which validate the effectiveness of each component in the PlacidDreamer pipeline. Removing the Latent-Plane module reduces the quality and consistency of the generated 3D models, highlighting its importance. Additionally, experiments varying the $\lambda$ parameter in BSD demonstrate its capability to control the trade-off between color saturation and detail level.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The contributions of PlacidDreamer have both practical and theoretical implications. Practically, the advancements allow for the generation of high-fidelity, photo-realistic 3D models from text, greatly simplifying the process of 3D content creation. This can significantly benefit industries like gaming, virtual reality, and automated design systems where rapid, high-quality 3D model generation is crucial. Theoretically, the introduction of multi-objective optimization in score distillation could inspire new directions in generative model research, encouraging further exploration into harmonized training approaches.

Future Developments

Looking into the future, advancements building upon PlacidDreamer's harmonious method could further evolve the field of generative AI. Improving computational efficiency, enhancing model interpretability, and exploring new applications in various domains are promising areas for future work. Furthermore, the paradigm of multi-objective optimization might extend beyond 3D generation, influencing other facets of AI research such as natural language processing and robotics.

In summary, "PlacidDreamer: Advancing Harmony in Text-to-3D Generation" innovatively addresses conflicts in current methodologies and proposes robust solutions elevating the capabilities in text-to-3D generation. Through the integration of the Latent-Plane module and the Balanced Score Distillation algorithm, PlacidDreamer sets a new benchmark for quality and consistency in this emerging area of AI research.

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