Emergent Mind

Enhanced $H$-Consistency Bounds

Published Jul 18, 2024 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Recent research has introduced a key notion of $H$-consistency bounds for surrogate losses. These bounds offer finite-sample guarantees, quantifying the relationship between the zero-one estimation error (or other target loss) and the surrogate loss estimation error for a specific hypothesis set. However, previous bounds were derived under the condition that a lower bound of the surrogate loss conditional regret is given as a convex function of the target conditional regret, without non-constant factors depending on the predictor or input instance. Can we derive finer and more favorable $H$-consistency bounds? In this work, we relax this condition and present a general framework for establishing enhanced $H$-consistency bounds based on more general inequalities relating conditional regrets. Our theorems not only subsume existing results as special cases but also enable the derivation of more favorable bounds in various scenarios. These include standard multi-class classification, binary and multi-class classification under Tsybakov noise conditions, and bipartite ranking.

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