Emergent Mind

Anticipatory Task and Motion Planning

Published Jul 18, 2024 in cs.RO


We consider a sequential task and motion planning (tamp) setting in which a robot is assigned continuous-space rearrangement-style tasks one-at-a-time in an environment that persists between each. Lacking advance knowledge of future tasks, existing (myopic) planning strategies unwittingly introduce side effects that impede completion of subsequent tasks: e.g., by blocking future access or manipulation. We present anticipatory task and motion planning, in which estimates of expected future cost from a learned model inform selection of plans generated by a model-based tamp planner so as to avoid such side effects, choosing configurations of the environment that both complete the task and minimize overall cost. Simulated multi-task deployments in navigation-among-movable-obstacles and cabinet-loading domains yield improvements of 32.7% and 16.7% average per-task cost respectively. When given time in advance to prepare the environment, our learning-augmented planning approach yields improvements of 83.1% and 22.3%. Both showcase the value of our approach. Finally, we also demonstrate anticipatory tamp on a real-world Fetch mobile manipulator.

AntTAMP anticipates tasks, reducing planning costs and improving per-task performance over time sequences.


  • The paper introduces Anticipatory Task and Motion Planning (AntTAMP), an approach aimed at enhancing the efficiency of robots by incorporating anticipatory planning to address the myopic limitations of traditional TAMP strategies.

  • AntTAMP leverages Graph Neural Networks (GNN) to estimate anticipatory planning costs and integrates these predictions with traditional TAMP solvers to evaluate and select optimal plans, thereby minimizing both immediate and future task costs.

  • The efficacy of AntTAMP is validated through simulations in the NAMO and cabinet-loading domains, and a real-world demonstration using a Fetch mobile manipulator, showing significant cost reductions and improved long-term task efficiency.

Anticipatory Task and Motion Planning

The paper under review presents a new approach to solve sequential Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) problems by incorporating anticipatory planning strategies. Dubbed "Anticipatory Task and Motion Planning" (AntTAMP), this method aims to improve the performance of long-lived robots which face rearrangement tasks in a persistent environment, thereby overcoming the limitations of existing myopic TAMP strategies. The authors validate their approach via simulation experiments in Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO) and cabinet-loading domains and demonstrate its effectiveness on a real-world Fetch mobile manipulator.

Problem Statement

The authors focus on a sequential TAMP scenario where tasks arrive one at a time, but the environment remains unchanged between tasks. Traditional TAMP planners often exhibit myopic behavior, concentrating solely on the immediate task at hand, hence inadvertently complicating future tasks by introducing side effects. An example highlighted in the paper is a robot loading a cabinet without considering future unloading tasks, leading to an inefficient configuration that obstructs future actions.

Proposed Solution

To address this issue, the authors propose incorporating Anticipatory Planning into TAMP. The core idea is to minimize not only the immediate task cost but also the expected future cost, based on the likelihood of subsequent tasks. Formally, the approach seeks to minimize the sum of the cost to complete the current task and the anticipated future cost, which is estimated using a learned model.


Learning-Augmented Planning

The authors utilize a Graph Neural Network (GNN) to estimate the anticipatory planning cost (AP), which is crucial for guiding the planning process. The environment is represented as a graph where nodes encapsulate objects and their states, while edges represent spatial and semantic relationships.

Training data for the GNN is generated by sampling states from the domain, solving every possible future task from these states using an off-the-shelf TAMP solver, and then computing the AP cost. The GNN, implemented using PyTorch Geometric, is trained to predict this AP cost from the graph representations of states.

Planning with Anticipatory TAMP

During the planning phase, the TAMP solver generates multiple candidate plans by considering different goal states. Each plan's immediate cost and AP cost are evaluated, and the plan with the minimal total cost is selected. Additionally, the paper explores task-free anticipatory planning, referred to as "preparation," where the environment is proactively configured to minimize expected future costs before any specific task is assigned. Preparation is implemented via a simulated annealing optimization approach.


The efficacy of AntTAMP is validated through comprehensive experiments in both simulated domains and a real-world scenario. Key results include:

  1. NAMO Domain:

    • AntTAMP reduces average task cost by 32.7% compared to myopic planning.
    • When combined with preparation, the approach achieves an 83.1% improvement.
    • A significant benefit observed is the emergent property of reducing costs over lengthy sequences due to the anticipatory nature of planning.
  2. Cabinet-Loading Domain:

    • AntTAMP reduces average task cost by 16.7%.
    • Preparation yields additional improvements, with combined strategies reducing costs by up to 22.3%.
  3. Real-World Demonstration:

    • Using a Fetch mobile manipulator, AntTAMP demonstrates superior performance over myopic planning in a cabinet-loading task, showcasing its practical applicability.

Implications and Future Directions

The presented approach extends the capabilities of existing TAMP methods by integrating anticipatory planning, thereby reducing the overall cost of task sequences in persistent environments. This not only improves the robot's immediate task performance but also ensures its long-term efficiency. The use of a GNN for AP cost estimation also sets a precedent for leveraging learning models within TAMP frameworks.

Future research could focus on scaling this approach to more complex environments and tasks. Key areas for development include:

  • Enhancing the efficiency of sampling and search strategies within the continuous goal space for large-scale problems.
  • Adapting the methodology to dynamically evolving task distributions, potentially incorporating online learning techniques to update the AP model in real-time.
  • Extending the anticipatory framework to incorporate interactions with human users, enabling more intuitive and efficient collaborative robotics.

In summary, the paper presents a significant advancement in TAMP by addressing the intrinsic limitations of myopic planning strategies. With its promising initial results and robust methodology, AntTAMP sets a solid foundation for future innovations in anticipatory planning for complex, long-term robotic tasks.

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