Emergent Mind


Self-supervised learning (SSL) has recently achieved significant success in downstream visual tasks. However, a notable gap still exists between SSL and supervised learning (SL), especially in complex downstream tasks. In this paper, we show that the features learned by SSL methods suffer from the crowding problem, where features of different classes are not distinctly separated, and features within the same class exhibit large intra-class variance. In contrast, SL ensures a clear separation between classes. We analyze this phenomenon and conclude that SSL objectives do not constrain the relationships between different samples and their augmentations. Our theoretical analysis explore how SSL objectives fail to enforce the necessary constraints between samples and their augmentations, leading to poor performance in complex tasks. We provide a theoretical framework showing that the performance gap between SSL and SL mainly stems from the inability of SSL methods to capture the aggregation of similar augmentations and the separation of dissimilar augmentations. To address this issue, we propose a learnable regulator called Dynamic Semantic Adjuster (DSA). DSA aggregates and separates samples in the feature space while being robust to outliers. Through extensive empirical evaluations on multiple benchmark datasets, we demonstrate the superiority of DSA in enhancing feature aggregation and separation, ultimately closing the performance gap between SSL and SL.

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