Emergent Mind

Deep Time Series Models: A Comprehensive Survey and Benchmark

Published Jul 18, 2024 in cs.LG


Time series, characterized by a sequence of data points arranged in a discrete-time order, are ubiquitous in real-world applications. Different from other modalities, time series present unique challenges due to their complex and dynamic nature, including the entanglement of nonlinear patterns and time-variant trends. Analyzing time series data is of great significance in real-world scenarios and has been widely studied over centuries. Recent years have witnessed remarkable breakthroughs in the time series community, with techniques shifting from traditional statistical methods to advanced deep learning models. In this paper, we delve into the design of deep time series models across various analysis tasks and review the existing literature from two perspectives: basic modules and model architectures. Further, we develop and release Time Series Library (TSLib) as a fair benchmark of deep time series models for diverse analysis tasks, which implements 24 mainstream models, covers 30 datasets from different domains, and supports five prevalent analysis tasks. Based on TSLib, we thoroughly evaluate 12 advanced deep time series models on different tasks. Empirical results indicate that models with specific structures are well-suited for distinct analytical tasks, which offers insights for research and adoption of deep time series models. Code is available at https://github.com/thuml/Time-Series-Library.

Model performance comparison in TSLib across classification, anomaly detection, forecasting, and other tasks.


  • The paper offers a comprehensive survey and empirical benchmark known as Time Series Library (TSLib) for deep learning models in time series analysis across various domains.

  • It categorizes deep time series models into MLP-based, RNN-based, CNN-based, GNN-based, and Transformer-based models, highlighting their strengths and limitations.

  • The authors provide insights into model performance for tasks like forecasting, classification, and anomaly detection, and discuss future research directions, including the development of foundation models for time series data.

Overview of "Deep Time Series Models: A Comprehensive Survey and Benchmark"

The paper "Deep Time Series Models: A Comprehensive Survey and Benchmark," authored by Yuxuan Wang, Haixu Wu, Jiaxiang Dong, Yong Liu, Jianmin Wang, and Mingsheng Long, provides an exhaustive analysis and systematic review of deep learning models designed for time series analysis. The significance of this work is underscored by the ubiquity of time series data in various domains, including finance, energy management, medical diagnostics, and meteorology. The authors aim to bridge the gap between traditional statistical methods and advanced deep learning models, offering both a comprehensive survey and an empirical evaluation benchmark, termed Time Series Library (TSLib).

Time Series Analysis: Challenges and Techniques

Time series data is characterized by its sequential nature and temporal dependencies, presenting unique challenges in capturing non-linear patterns and time-variant trends. This dataset type is prevalent in practical applications like financial forecasting, weather prediction, and energy consumption analysis. Historically, methods such as AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Exponential Smoothing have been used for time series prediction. However, these linear models struggle with capturing intricate dependencies and non-linear dynamics. With the rise of deep learning, new methods have been developed, leveraging models like RNNs, CNNs, GNNs, and Transformers to manage these complexities.

Comprehensive Review of Deep Time Series Models

The paper categorizes deep time series models based on their underlying architecture: Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), and Transformer-based models.

MLP-based Models:

  • Representative models such as N-BEATS and DLinear demonstrate that linear transformations and simple neural network architectures can effectively model time series data. These models are particularly noted for their performance in long-term forecasting tasks while maintaining lower computational overhead.

RNN-based Models:

  • RNN architectures, including variants like LSTM and GRU, are tailored for sequential data but suffer from challenges like gradient vanishing. Techniques such as dual-stage attention mechanisms (DA-RNN) and the use of state space models (SSMs) have been explored to mitigate these issues. Models like DeepAR, which predict the probability distribution of future time points, highlight the probabilistic approaches in RNN-based time series prediction.

CNN-based Models:

  • CNNs, particularly 1D convolutions (e.g., LSTNet, SCINet), and recent innovations like TimesNet, which use a 2D representation of time series data, capture local temporal patterns and multi-level representation learning. These models excel in classification and anomaly detection tasks due to their strong feature extraction capabilities.

GNN-based Models:

Transformer-based Models:

Time Series Library (TSLib)

The authors introduce TSLib, an open-source benchmark for evaluating deep time series models across various tasks, including forecasting, classification, imputation, and anomaly detection. This benchmark includes 24 mainstream models and covers 30 datasets from diverse domains. The empirical evaluation within TSLib highlights that:

  • Transformer models, particularly PatchTST and iTransformer, dominate in long-term and short-term forecasting tasks due to their capability to model complex dependencies over extended sequences.
  • CNN-based models like TimesNet exhibit strong performance in classification and anomaly detection tasks reflecting their robustness in feature extraction and multi-scale temporal representation.
  • Despite their computational simplicity, MLP-based models like DLinear achieve competitive performance in forecasting tasks, questioning the necessity of complex architectures for certain applications.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this research are manifold:

  • Practical Applications: From energy consumption to financial risk assessment, the comprehensive benchmarking of these models aids practitioners in selecting appropriate models based on their specific requirements and constraints.
  • Future Development: The survey underscores the potential of Transformer-based models in time series analysis. Future work may focus on integrating multi-modal data, improving model efficiency, and exploring new attention mechanisms.
  • Foundation Models: Inspired by the success of foundation models in NLP and CV, there is a fertile ground for developing foundation models tailored for time series data. Additionally, incorporating exogenous variables and handling heterogeneous time series remains a promising research avenue.

In conclusion, the paper offers a rigorous survey and pragmatic benchmark, advancing the state of time series analysis and providing a valuable resource for both researchers and practitioners. The insights gained from TSLib facilitate informed decision-making and pave the way for innovative research in this dynamic field.

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