Emergent Mind


LLMs have demonstrated great success in various fields, benefiting from their huge amount of parameters that store knowledge. However, LLMs still suffer from several key issues, such as hallucination problems, knowledge update issues, and lacking domain-specific expertise. The appearance of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), which leverages an external knowledge database to augment LLMs, makes up those drawbacks of LLMs. This paper reviews all significant techniques of RAG, especially in the retriever and the retrieval fusions. Besides, tutorial codes are provided for implementing the representative techniques in RAG. This paper further discusses the RAG training, including RAG with/without datastore update. Then, we introduce the application of RAG in representative natural language processing tasks and industrial scenarios. Finally, this paper discusses the future directions and challenges of RAG for promoting its development.


  • The paper provides an in-depth review of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) methodologies within the NLP domain, documenting their evolution, core components, and applications.

  • RAG incorporates three primary modules: Retriever (with sub-components like encoder, indexing, and datastore), Retrieval Fusions (such as query-based, logits-based, and latent fusions), and Generators (LLMs adapted for retrieval-augmented data).

  • The paper highlights various applications of RAG, like language modeling, machine translation, text summarization, question answering, dialogue systems, and information extraction, while also discussing future research directions and challenges in improving retrieval quality, efficiency, and fusion techniques.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Natural Language Processing: An Overview

The paper entitled "Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Natural Language Processing: A Survey" provides an exhaustive review of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) methodologies within the NLP domain. The authors, hailing from notable institutions such as City University of Hong Kong, MBZUAI, McGill University, Mila, and National Taiwan University, meticulously document the evolution, components, and applications of RAG. The survey encompasses both practical implementations and theoretical advancements, positioning RAG as a pivotal approach for enhancing the robustness and specificity of LLMs.

Core Components of RAG

RAG fundamentally consists of three primary modules: Retriever, Retriever Fusions, and Generators.

Retriever Module:

  • The retriever comprises three essential sub-components: the encoder, the indexing mechanism, and the datastore.
  • Encoder: Converts input data into embeddings. Encoding methods include sparse encoding and dense encoding, with dense methods leveraging advanced neural architectures like BERT and its variants for more nuanced semantic representations.
  • Indexing: Organizes these embeddings for efficient approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search. Advanced techniques like Product Quantization (PQ) and Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) offer effective solutions to balance search efficiency with retrieval quality.
  • Datastore: Manages the key-value pairs, storing embeddings as keys and associated knowledge as values. Optimization of the datastore is crucial for handling the extensive data quantities typically involved in RAG.

Retrieval Fusions:

  • Retrieval fusion methods determine how retrieved knowledge is integrated into the generation process. These can be broadly categorized into query-based fusions, logits-based fusions, and latent fusions.
  • Query-based Fusions: Involve concatenating the raw text or encoded features of the retrieved data to the input queries. Though straightforward, this can lead to increased input length and computational overhead.
  • Logits-based Fusions: Combine or calibrate the logits obtained from the retrievals with those from the input data to refine the generation process, exemplified by methods like kNN-LM.
  • Latent Fusions: Integrate retrievals into the hidden states of models using mechanisms like cross-attention modules or weighted additions. Techniques such as RETRO and ReFusion illustrate the potential of these approaches for enhancing model performance with external knowledge.


  • Generators are typically LLMs adapted to incorporate retrieval-augmented data. Pre-training on large, diverse datasets plays a crucial role.
  • Retrieval-Augmented Generators: These models often integrate sophisticated retrieval mechanisms to enhance their natural language generation capabilities. Techniques involve adding cross-attention modules to process retrieved knowledge alongside standard inputs.

Training Methodologies

RAG training can be implemented with or without datastore updates.

Without Datastore Update:

  • Training can focus on optimizing parameters of retrievers and generators separately or through joint training.
  • Joint training demands differentiable end-to-end optimization processes to align the retriever's outputs more closely with the generator's needs.

With Datastore Update:

  • Involves updating the datastore with new embeddings or values and retraining the model to align with these updates.
  • This approach allows models to incorporate the latest knowledge and improve performance in dynamic environments.

Applications and Implications

RAG showcases significant utility across a spectrum of NLP tasks, including:

  • Language Modeling: Enhances model predictions by introducing relevant context through retrieval.
  • Machine Translation: Improves translation accuracy via the integration of similar phrases and contextual knowledge.
  • Text Summarization: Leverages external knowledge to generate concise and accurate summaries.
  • Question Answering: Bolsters QA systems by providing relevant documents or similar question-answer pairs.
  • Dialogue Systems: Augments chatbots with historical conversations, enhancing their contextual understanding and response quality.
  • Information Extraction: Facilitates tasks like named entity recognition by integrating external context-relevant data to improve extraction accuracy.
  • Text Classification: Enhances classification tasks by leveraging external context to refine sentiment analysis and other classification activities.

Future Directions and Challenges

Despite the advancements, several challenges and areas for future research persist:

  • Retrieval Quality: Improving relevance and context alignment of retrieved information remains paramount. Efforts should continue in refining embedding models and similarity metrics.
  • Efficiency: Optimizing retrieval and fusion processes to ensure computational efficiency without compromising performance is critical.
  • Fusion Techniques: Developing more interpretative and dynamic retrieval fusion methods to balance efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Training Strategies: Exploring efficient joint training strategies and methods for aligning datastore updates with generative models.
  • Cross-Modality Retrieval: Incorporating multi-modal data (e.g., text, images, audio) to enhance data comprehensiveness and model robustness.

In conclusion, this paper establishes RAG as a crucial methodology for advancing NLP applications, providing a comprehensive toolkit for leveraging vast external knowledge bases to refine language models' predictions and generation capabilities. By addressing ongoing challenges and exploring future directions, the NLP research community can further harness the potential of RAG to build more intelligent and context-aware systems.

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