Emergent Mind


Modern text-to-video synthesis models demonstrate coherent, photorealistic generation of complex videos from a text description. However, most existing models lack fine-grained control over camera movement, which is critical for downstream applications related to content creation, visual effects, and 3D vision. Recently, new methods demonstrate the ability to generate videos with controllable camera poses these techniques leverage pre-trained U-Net-based diffusion models that explicitly disentangle spatial and temporal generation. Still, no existing approach enables camera control for new, transformer-based video diffusion models that process spatial and temporal information jointly. Here, we propose to tame video transformers for 3D camera control using a ControlNet-like conditioning mechanism that incorporates spatiotemporal camera embeddings based on Plucker coordinates. The approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance for controllable video generation after fine-tuning on the RealEstate10K dataset. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to enable camera control for transformer-based video diffusion models.

Comparison of the new camera-conditioned text-to-video approach with MotionCtrl and CameraCtrl.


  • The paper introduces a method for controlling camera poses in text-to-video synthesis models using a conditioning mechanism with ControlNet-inspired spatiotemporal embeddings based on Plucker coordinates.

  • The proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in controllable video generation when fine-tuned on the RealEstate10K dataset, outperforming existing methods.

  • The VD3D method leverages advanced video diffusion transformers and demonstrates significant improvements in user preference metrics and camera pose accuracy, with future implications for broader applications in content creation and 3D visualization.

An Overview of "VD3D: Taming Large Video Diffusion Transformers for 3D Camera Control"

The paper "VD3D: Taming Large Video Diffusion Transformers for 3D Camera Control" authored by Sherwin Bahmani et al. addresses the challenge of controlling camera movement in advanced text-to-video synthesis models. The motivation behind this research lies in the limitations of current models that, although capable of creating coherent, photorealistic videos from text, often fall short in providing fine-grained control over camera parameters—a critical feature for applications in content creation, visual effects, and 3D visualization.

Key Contributions

  1. ControlNet-like Conditioning for Transformers: The paper introduces a novel method for controlling camera poses using large video diffusion transformers. This is achieved through a conditioning mechanism inspired by ControlNet, incorporating spatiotemporal camera embeddings based on Plucker coordinates.
  2. Evaluation on RealEstate10K Dataset: The proposed approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance for controllable video generation, outperforming baseline methods when fine-tuned on the RealEstate10K dataset.
  3. Initial Exploration of Spatiotemporal Transformers: This work is pioneering in its application of camera control within the context of large transformer-based video diffusion models, which jointly model spatial and temporal information.


Spatiotemporal Transformers for Video Generation

The VD3D method leverages the capabilities of recent video diffusion transformers, specifically those based on the SnapVideo architecture that utilize FIT-blocks for efficient video modeling in compressed latent spaces. The traditional pipeline considers the conditional distribution of video frames given text prompts, optimized through a denoising diffusion model.

Camera Representation via Plucker Coordinates

A significant technical advancement in this paper is the use of Plucker coordinates to normalize camera embeddings. Plucker coordinates offer a robust way to parameterize lines in 3D space, enhancing the conditioning information available to the model and supporting fine-grained camera control.

ControlNet-inspired Mechanism

The paper's core contribution lies in the conditioning framework, which integrates additional cross-attention layers initialized from pretrained weights, thereby preserving visual quality during training and facilitating rapid adaptation with minimal fine-tuning. This mechanism addresses the issues faced by conventional U-Net-based approaches when applied to entangled spatiotemporal computations in transformer architectures.

Experimental Results

The paper provides both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, comparing VD3D with state-of-the-art methods such as MotionCtrl and CameraCtrl. Notably, VD3D outperforms these baselines in user preferences across metrics like camera alignment, motion quality, text alignment, and visual fidelity, with statistical significance at the p<0.001 level.

Furthermore, VD3D achieves superior quantitative metrics in camera pose accuracy, as assessed with ParticleSfM, and generalizes well to unseen datasets like MSR-VTT. Ablation studies confirm the efficacy of Plucker embeddings and ControlNet-based conditioning, demonstrating clear performance degradation when these components are absent or modified.

Implications and Future Work

The advancements presented in VD3D suggest several practical and theoretical implications. Practically, the enhanced control over camera parameters enriches the usability of text-to-video models in creative and technical fields, from filmmaking to virtual reality content creation. Theoretically, the approach sets a new standard in integrating spatiotemporal dynamics for video synthesis, paving the way for future work to explore even more complex control mechanisms, such as those involving object dynamics in addition to camera movement.

Future research may delve into joint training schemes for both low- and high-resolution models and explore models capable of generating longer video sequences. Additionally, extending the control mechanisms to include scene motion could further enhance the applicability of these models in dynamic scene generation.


"VD3D: Taming Large Video Diffusion Transformers for 3D Camera Control" significantly advances the state-of-the-art in controllable video synthesis. By embedding fine-grained spatiotemporal control mechanisms within transformer architectures, this work equips video generation models with unprecedented capabilities that will likely inspire a broad range of applications and subsequent research in the field. The outcomes of this paper thus represent a meaningful step forward in the quest for sophisticated, user-friendly text-to-video generation tools.

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