Emergent Mind

A polynomial-time classical algorithm for noisy quantum circuits

Published Jul 17, 2024 in quant-ph , cs.CC , cs.IT , math-ph , math.IT , math.MP , and physics.atom-ph


We provide a polynomial-time classical algorithm for noisy quantum circuits. The algorithm computes the expectation value of any observable for any circuit, with a small average error over input states drawn from an ensemble (e.g. the computational basis). Our approach is based upon the intuition that noise exponentially damps non-local correlations relative to local correlations. This enables one to classically simulate a noisy quantum circuit by only keeping track of the dynamics of local quantum information. Our algorithm also enables sampling from the output distribution of a circuit in quasi-polynomial time, so long as the distribution anti-concentrates. A number of practical implications are discussed, including a fundamental limit on the efficacy of noise mitigation strategies: any quantum circuit for which error mitigation is efficient must be classically simulable.

Comparison of noise models in quantum circuits and algorithms for decomposing and truncating Pauli paths.


  • The paper presents two polynomial-time classical algorithms for simulating noisy quantum circuits, addressing uniform and gate-based noise.

  • The algorithm for uniform noise involves computing expectation values of observables by summing over low-weight Pauli paths, with practical runtime for circuits with logarithmic depth.

  • The gate-based noise algorithm manages noise accumulation through state updates and low-weight Pauli operator truncations, offering quasi-polynomial runtime suitable for deeper circuits.

Classical Algorithms for Noisy Quantum Circuits

The investigation of quantum circuits under the influence of noise has long been a key area of interest within computational theoretical research. The presented paper, titled A polynomial-time classical algorithm for noisy quantum circuits, tackles an important issue: classical simulation of noisy quantum circuits without the need for error correction. The authors introduce two main algorithms, each designed to handle different categories of noise: uniform and gate-based noise.

Key Contributions

Algorithm for Uniform Noise:

  • The authors present an algorithm capable of simulating noisy quantum circuits where every qubit is affected by noise at each circuit layer.
  • This algorithm computes expectation values of observables efficiently by summing over low-weight Pauli paths.
  • The runtime is polynomial for circuits with logarithmic depth relative to the number of qubits, making it practical for many near-term quantum architectures.

Algorithm for Gate-Based Noise:

  • A second algorithm is introduced for circuits with noise affecting only those qubits undergoing gates.
  • This algorithm updates the state of an observable at each circuit layer while truncating high-weight Pauli operators to manage computational complexity.
  • The runtime, although quasi-polynomial, is scalable and practical for circuits with more significant depth.

Theoretical Foundation and Insights

The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms hinges on a few central theoretical insights. For the uniform noise model, the authors employ a decomposition technique where the expectation values of observables are expressed as sums over Pauli paths. By truncating high-weight paths—effectively those paths significantly damped by noise—they achieve both accuracy and efficiency.

For gate-based noise, the complexity lies in managing the gradual accumulation of noise over many circuit layers. The authors use a unique framework tracking how noise modifies the operator weight distribution to ensure truncations occur at manageably low computational costs.

Practical Implications

The implications of these results for classical simulation are substantial. Crucially, these algorithms provide a rigorous foundation for understanding when noisy quantum circuits can be efficiently simulated classically. This is particularly pertinent given that many near-term quantum experiments involve noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices.

An important practical outcome is a better understanding of error mitigation strategies. The research establishes that for any quantum circuit where error mitigation can recover the ideal output efficiently, the circuit must be classically simulable. This places a fundamental limitation on the potential of error mitigation to bridge the gap to practical quantum advantage.

Theoretical Implications

From a theoretical standpoint, these results underscore a nuanced understanding of quantum computational complexity in the presence of noise. For instance, the paper quantifies how damping effects of noise interact with the inherent complexity of simulating quantum states, offering a clear boundary between classically simulable and non-simulable regimes.

Moreover, this work introduces approachable techniques to extend these classical simulations, such as applying the methods to non-unital noise models given certain constraints. This highlights a pathway to generalize these algorithms across a broader array of quantum error types.

Future Directions

This study prompts several intriguing avenues for future research. One avenue is the exploration of continuous-time dynamics using analogous classical algorithms. Broadening the application of these algorithms beyond depolarizing noise to other types such as dephasing or thermal noise could provide further insights. Exploring the integration of these theoretical insights with numerical simulations could enhance existing frameworks for classical simulations of quantum systems, particularly those that are highly interconnected and where tensor networks have limitations.


The presented work significantly advances our understanding of classically simulating noisy quantum circuits without error correction. By delineating specifically when and how these simulations can be performed efficiently, the authors lay a critical foundation for theoretical advancements and practical applications within the burgeoning landscape of quantum information science. Their contributions offer both rigorous theoretical bounds and practical algorithms, thus serving as a pivotal reference point for future studies in this domain.

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