Emergent Mind

Quantum vs. Symplectic Computers

Published Jul 17, 2024 in quant-ph and hep-th


In this paper, we propose the concept of symplectic computers, which have the potential to be more powerful than quantum computers. Unlike quantum computing, which consists of a sequence of unitary transformations (gates) and projectors (measurements), symplectic computation involves a sequence of symplectic transformations and measurements. The proposal to explore symplectic computers is based on the following quantum-symplectic duality. The Schr\"odinger equation in its standard complex form describes the unitary evolution of a quantum system, while its real form describes the symplectic evolution of a classical mechanical system. This quantum-symplectic duality can be leveraged to enhance the capabilities of quantum and symplectic computers. In this symplectic approach, the role of a quantum bit (qubit) is taken by a symplectic bit (symbit).

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