Emergent Mind


Fine-tuning pre-trained language models (PLMs) has recently shown a potential to improve knowledge graph completion (KGC). However, most PLM-based methods encode only textual information, neglecting various topological structures of knowledge graphs (KGs). In this paper, we empirically validate the significant relations between the structural properties of KGs and the performance of the PLM-based methods. To leverage the structural knowledge, we propose a Subgraph-Aware Training framework for KGC (SATKGC) that combines (i) subgraph-aware mini-batching to encourage hard negative sampling, and (ii) a new contrastive learning method to focus more on harder entities and harder negative triples in terms of the structural properties. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to comprehensively incorporate the structural inductive bias of the subgraphs into fine-tuning PLMs. Extensive experiments on four KGC benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of SATKGC. Our code is available.

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