Emergent Mind

Revisiting AGN Placement on the BPT Diagram: A Spectral Decomposition Approach

Published Jul 16, 2024 in astro-ph.GA and astro-ph.IM


Traditional single-fibre spectroscopy provides a single galaxy spectrum, forming the basis for crucial parameter estimation. However, its accuracy can be compromised by various sources of contamination, such as the prominent \Ha~emission line originating from both Star-Forming (SF) regions and non-Star-Forming regions (NonSF), including Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The potential to dissect a spectrum into its SF and NonSF constituents holds the promise of significantly enhancing precision in parameter estimates. In contrast, Integral Field Unit (IFU) surveys present a solution to minimize contamination. These surveys examine spatially localized regions within galaxies, reducing the impact of mixed sources. Although an IFU survey's resulting spectrum covers a smaller region of a galaxy than single-fibre spectroscopy, it can still encompass a blend of heterogeneous sources. Our study introduces an innovative model informed by insights from the MaNGA IFU survey. This model enables the decomposition of galaxy spectra, including those from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), into SF and NonSF components. Applying our model to these survey datasets produces two distinct spectra, one for SF and another for NonSF components, while conserving flux across wavelength bins. When these decomposed spectra are visualized on a BPT diagram, interesting patterns emerge. There is a significant shift in the placement of the NonSF decomposed spectra, as well as the emergence of two distinct clusters in the LINER and Seyfert regions. This shift highlights the key role of SF `contamination' in influencing the positioning of NonSF spectra within the BPT diagram.

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