Emergent Mind

Context-Guided Diffusion for Out-of-Distribution Molecular and Protein Design

Published Jul 16, 2024 in q-bio.BM , cs.LG , and stat.ML


Generative models have the potential to accelerate key steps in the discovery of novel molecular therapeutics and materials. Diffusion models have recently emerged as a powerful approach, excelling at unconditional sample generation and, with data-driven guidance, conditional generation within their training domain. Reliably sampling from high-value regions beyond the training data, however, remains an open challenge -- with current methods predominantly focusing on modifying the diffusion process itself. In this paper, we develop context-guided diffusion (CGD), a simple plug-and-play method that leverages unlabeled data and smoothness constraints to improve the out-of-distribution generalization of guided diffusion models. We demonstrate that this approach leads to substantial performance gains across various settings, including continuous, discrete, and graph-structured diffusion processes with applications across drug discovery, materials science, and protein design.

Improving generalization under distribution shifts with a guidance model regularizer in property-guided diffusion models.


  • The paper introduces Context-Guided Diffusion (CGD), a regularization approach to improve out-of-distribution performance of guided diffusion models in molecular and protein design.

  • CGD uses unlabeled data and smoothness constraints to maintain high predictive uncertainty and smooth gradients in regions outside the training data.

  • Experimental results show CGD's superior performance in generating high-affinity compounds, optimizing materials with desirable properties, and producing optimized protein sequences.

Context-Guided Diffusion for Out-of-Distribution Molecular and Protein Design

The paper "Context-Guided Diffusion for Out-of-Distribution Molecular and Protein Design" introduces a novel methodology aimed at enhancing the generalization capabilities of guided diffusion models in molecular and protein design. As the authors elaborate, generative models, particularly diffusion models, hold significant promise in accelerating the design of new molecular therapeutics and materials. However, a prominent challenge in this domain is effectively sampling high-value regions that extend beyond the training data distribution.


The study presents Context-Guided Diffusion (CGD), a plug-and-play regularization approach to improve the out-of-distribution performance of guided diffusion models. This method leverages unlabeled data and smoothness constraints applied to the guidance models. This approach is grounded in the recognition that the generalization of guidance models under distribution shifts remains a critical bottleneck for property-guided diffusion models.


CGD is designed to address two specific goals:

  1. Fit the Training Data Effectively: Ensuring that the context-aware guidance model performs well on the labeled training data.
  2. Exhibit High Uncertainty and Smooth Gradients in OOD Regions: Improving model reliability when generating novel compounds outside of the training distribution.

The regularization framework of CGD comprises the construction of a guidance model regularizer that utilizes a context set of unlabeled data. The context set informs the guidance model to maintain high predictive uncertainty and smooth gradients in regions far from the training data.

Technical Implementation

The regularization term utilized in CGD is formulated to enforce smooth gradients and minimize overconfident predictions. It operates by combining the structural information of unlabeled context data with labeled training signals through a Mahalanobis regularizer, which helps generate a guidance model that is sensitive to regions lacking labeled data. This regularizer can be formulated as:

R(\theta, f_{t}, t, p_{\hat{\Xbf}_{t}) = 
\mathbb{E}_{p_{\hat{\Xbf}_{t}}} \left[
\sum_{j=1}^{2} \left(f_t^{j}(\hat{\xbf}_{t} ; \theta) - m_{t}^{j}(\hat{\xbf}_{t})\right)^\top {K}_{t}(\hat{\xbf}_{t})^{-1} \left(f_t^{j}(\hat{\xbf}_{t} ; \theta) - m_{t}^{j}(\hat{\xbf}_{t})\right)

Here, the covariance matrix ( Kt ) ensures smoothness within the context batch embeddings, derived from a fixed set of randomly initialized parameters. The mean ( mtj ) serves as a reversion target, promoting predictive variances on atypical inputs.

Experimental Evaluation

The empirical evaluation spans three key application domains:

  1. Small Molecules: Using graph-structured diffusion processes to generate drug-like small molecules, the study shows that CGD outperforms standard methods in generating compounds with high binding affinities to five different protein targets. The comparison spans various regularization techniques and demonstrates substantial improvements in objective metrics and hit rates.
  2. Materials Science: The CGD approach is applied to the domain of materials science with equivariant diffusion models. By optimizing electronic properties within polycyclic aromatic systems, the methodology again substantiates its superior generalization capability, producing novel materials with desirable properties not seen in the training set.
  3. Protein Sequences: The technique is also extended to categorical diffusion models for protein sequence optimization. Here, CGD facilitates the generation of antibody sequences with optimized solvent-accessible surface areas and β-sheet content, outperforming competing models in terms of both "naturalness" and target objective values.

Implications and Considerations

The results presented in this paper have significant implications for the field of computational design of biologically relevant molecules and materials. Beyond the practical application, the framework of CGD introduces a versatile tool that integrates insights from domain adaptation and uncertainty quantification into the realm of generative diffusion models.

Future Directions

Future research could focus on several intriguing directions:

  • Enhanced Out-of-Distribution Behavior: Further refinement of regularizers to capture more complex behaviors in out-of-distribution settings, potentially informed by physical simulations or experimental results.
  • Active Learning for Context Set Construction: Implementing active learning strategies to dynamically select the most informative unlabeled data points, thereby improving the context set's effectiveness.
  • Integration with Other Techniques: Investigating the potential synergies between CGD and multi-task or meta-learning approaches to enhance the versatility and robustness of generative models across varied tasks.


The context-guided approach detailed in this work provides a robust framework to enhance the generalization capabilities of guided diffusion models in challenging out-of-distribution scenarios. This holds promise for accelerating the discovery of new molecular therapeutics, advanced materials, and optimized protein sequences, addressing critical bottlenecks in modern molecular design. The empirical success across multiple domains underscores the potential of CGD as a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners in the field of computational molecular design.

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