Emergent Mind


Cloud workloads have dominated generative AI based on LLMs (LLM). Specialized hardware accelerators, such as GPUs, NPUs, and TPUs, play a key role in AI adoption due to their superior performance over general-purpose CPUs. The AI models and the data are often highly sensitive and come from mutually distrusting parties. Existing CPU-based TEEs such as Intel SGX or AMD SEV do not provide sufficient protection. Device-centric TEEs like Nvidia-CC only address tightly coupled CPU-GPU systems with a proprietary solution requiring TEE on the host CPU side. On the other hand, existing academic proposals are tailored toward specific CPU-TEE platforms. To address this gap, we propose Ascend-CC, a confidential computing architecture based on discrete NPU devices that requires no trust in the host system. Ascend-CC provides strong security by ensuring data and model encryption that protects not only the data but also the model parameters and operator binaries. Ascend-CC uses delegation-based memory semantics to ensure isolation from the host software stack, and task attestation provides strong model integrity guarantees. Our Ascend-CC implementation and evaluation with state-of-the-art LLMs such as Llama2 and Llama3 shows that Ascend-CC introduces minimal overhead with no changes in the AI software stack.

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