Emergent Mind


With the commercialization of LLMs, weight-activation quantization has emerged to compress and accelerate LLMs, achieving high throughput while reducing inference costs. However, existing post-training quantization (PTQ) techniques for quantizing weights and activations of LLMs still suffer from non-negligible accuracy drops, especially on massive multitask language understanding. To address this issue, we propose Low-Rank Quantization (LRQ) $-$ a simple yet effective post-training weight quantization method for LLMs that reconstructs the outputs of an intermediate Transformer block by leveraging low-rank weight-scaling matrices, replacing the conventional full weight-scaling matrices that entail as many learnable scales as their associated weights. Thanks to parameter sharing via low-rank structure, LRQ only needs to learn significantly fewer parameters while enabling the individual scaling of weights, thus boosting the generalization capability of quantized LLMs. We show the superiority of LRQ over prior LLM PTQ works under (i) $8$-bit weight and per-tensor activation quantization, (ii) $4$-bit weight and $8$-bit per-token activation quantization, and (iii) low-bit weight-only quantization schemes. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/onliwad101/FlexRound_LRQ} to inspire LLM researchers and engineers.

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